houston, we have a problem

Jan 25, 2009 02:39

ffffffffFFFFFFFga;lkdsgja;lkjf NEW AVATAR COMICS in Nick Magazine!!
Am I late to the party?? This is the first I've heard of this!

In other news, both of my computers have decided to crap out at the same time. My desktop works, but was crashing every few hours for NO reason, so we re-loaded Windows. Which deleted ALL my bookmarks and basically screwed my whole OS to hell. BUT IT DOESN'T CRASH ANYMORE! :D?
And at first it seemed like it wouldn't recognize any of my programs. Basically a giant clusterfuck of super annoying proportions and my Photoshop crack STILL won't work.

And my laptop won't even turn on, so I'm waiting for my new EeePC to arrive.
Which it should have today, because it's been in Jacksonville since 11am on Friday, but UPS is made out of JERKFACES.

It's pretty ridiculous how uncomfortable I feel not having a computer with my own settings on it. It's like staying at a hotel. I know I can use the stuff, but I don't really know where anything is, or what will work, and I'm not really settled in.
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