As brei takes hailey's idea...
"hey, had fun coming in this class this year and hanging out. See you next year, and have a goos summer, Ryan #49."
"Brei, Smile! I have really enjoyed the year. 6th period is always the best, Coach Copen."
"Brei, Say hi to your mom for me, Sonny Lucus."
"hey girl! Im so happy we have gottrn close. I dont know what I would do without you! We have made so many great memories, and I look forward to the new ones I know were going to make in years to come. Band is going to be so much fun now that I have you to hang out with. I cant wait until next year! Thanks so much for being there for me nomater what happens! I love you like a sister! p.s -DONT SPEW! Luv Lori Ann."
"Thats Hot. Ok, turn to the back for my other signing! :] Luv Lyndsey"
Oh, and of course I loved the classical "have a good summer!" Short and simple just like the friendships were while they lasted. If you dont get that than maybe you shouldnt and I dont care. Well, I do, but I cant do any thing about it now can I?