(no subject)

Mar 06, 2006 12:36

(writen on the family computer..)

Mmk. To start, I was wrong about where I though mom and sarah were moving too, it's not inner harbor, they're moving to Towson. Which I guess is about the same distance, if not maybe a bit closer, since Towson and Baltimore are right next to eachother.

The new guy at work Tom is pretty cool. According to alot of people I should remember him from school and such, but I have no clue who he is (and I have really good memmory for faces). He kinda happens to be in the same sorta prediciment I'm in. Where he has to move out of his parents place sometime in the summer, so he offered to share a duplex with me. Then Steve sujjested the effeciency apparement under the funeral home. He know's it's open at the moment because one of his friends just moved out. But O__o I dunno why he's sujjesting it at the moment, because I can't move out for a few months still. I guess I should worry about it when it comes down to it.

Rar.. and I dun wanna fill out my health insurance thing >_< I really dun want them taking money outta my pay right now, needing to save up and all.. And I never really ever go to the doctors anyways... bah, but Imma fill out the shit when I remember too, just in case.

Oh! And I'm not sure what I'm going to do with Pokey.. losing tailor a little over half a year ago, I'm not really ready to think about losing Pokey too. Mom said that the person who took one of the other puppies feels awful for me, and is will to hold on to Pokey till I'm ever able to take him back(and in the case that I wont ever be able to take him back they'll still love to have him.. which I dun really wanna think about). Steve talked to his mom because she's been wanting another dog, and he said he might be able to take poke in for me till I was able to find a place to keep him (the sujjested i look for places that let me keep dogs.. lets speak of the obvious now..) But I dun wanna burden them with Pokey, his parents (really his grandparents) have to be in their 60's at least, and his great grandmother is in the hosiptal for a broken hip(lmao.. sorry, classic, I have to laugh) and the last thing they'll need is a roudy dog like Pokey. Mom's still trying to find places for the other dogs, I'm not sure if they're getting rid of the cats or not, i hope not...

On a good note. I went swing dancing this past Friday. Which was fun, and stressful and a bit of an ego booster when I found out that I learned more in my first day there than my date did in his first 3 trips there. It's actually really cool, something I could get into. And it's a real work out @____@! Maybe I'll rent some videos from the library to teach me how to swing dance and all the other type of dancing they did there (minus polka, which looked an awful lot like they type of dancing they were doing in that one titanic sceen, and mainly consisted of skipping fast in a large circle [like at a skating rink] holding someone's hand [i watched from the side lines])

Alright, Imma be late for work, and I think I've writen too much as is. So, sorry for the length and all the spelling errors, as usual.

I'll try to update more I guess.

<3 kate

ps: rar no fun for me tonight. my day: work then packing and cleaning till i pass out.. then work again the next day..
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