(no subject)

Aug 31, 2008 19:55

Hi everyone, I'm new and I really like this community!

Your name/LJ name: Melissa
Age: 22
Location: New York, NY, USA
S.O.'s name/LJ name: Ron
Age: 23
Location: San Antonio, TX, USA

Miles apart: 1,839.

Tell us how you met: We met in high school. I was 14, he was 15. We rode the same school bus, and he had apparently been eying me for a while. In April of my freshman year of high school, he came to me and asked me if I would marry him. I lol'ed and we became friends and then boyfriend and girlfriend. With the exception of a short period in 2006, we've been together ever since, and now we're engaged.
First time meeting face to face: We're actually local to LDR, so see above
How often do you see each other: Until August 12, usually a couple times a week -- we lived a few miles from each other and went to college in the same city. Our after college plans took us to different places -- me to graduate school in New York, and him to basic military training for the Air Force in Texas. I haven't seen him since we both left August 12, and I won't see him until September 25 when he graduates from BMT. After that, I wager we'll probably see each other every 2-3 months.

Future plans: We're planning to get married in June or July. After I finish graduate school, I'll be joining him to live on base and travel with him wherever he's stationed. We want a family :) But my graduate program is 5 years long, as I'm a Ph.D student, so I have to hold out. If I can.
Where you see both of you in 5 years: I expect that he'll renew his contract, as he's decided to make the AF his career, and I'll be finished with my graduate program (hopefully). So five years from today, hopefully I'll have moved with him at his AFB assignment and will have found an interesting job in which I can use my Ph.D, either on base or off. And maybe pregnant or trying to get there!

Pictures to share?
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