(no subject)

Aug 25, 2005 01:55

what is this molecules insidious trip virus like it sutlely infect is host w/itself +its uses then oh oh ah aoh it turns their faculetys against themselves w/its modus operandi which is to repelicate itself id rather not be another auto maton or auto mat or floormat orautolaundrymayw/not even pocketlimt not even pockets not even old times learning otto foget whatu were talkin about in not being abele to forget what u r about to learn why anm I such I defecnce fuck do tell this shit what to do better yet just tell him what not to do he ll be right there in your memory doingin it and denie that hes doing ittalking looking u right in the eye not even hearing your name when you be soon introduced to me a lier a theif a pervert a verticle cuticle monocle moleculestrain to restrain this does to my life/body/son /relationships/heart /dick/brain like to strain into the drain the essence of idea /work/potential but the more is the looming monolitithic less and The more is the only thing to think of of being able to thinkof shit explosion in your living room,hure metallic italicized pieces of rotating deranged mentality note to self:beware the circiular resioning that will indubitably be bround tino a solidly conductive ring like some apocalyptic wogon train being seiged upon by huge and mniture robotic speaker blairing devices creating,out of nothing the minutet~the annoying things in life like eating personal hygiene and getting out of bed and dealing w/ thingsit all disturbs the beautiful growing imerging patterns it makes when it crystallizes/freeses/its crack bak its called just like in candy machinate cliché truth is hard to look at let alone see let alone let alone let alone letting alonelengethy sentences of nothing but the too words “let”+”alone” LealonealonealonealonealoneqalonealonealomealonealonealonealonealonealonealtletletletletletletalonealonealonealonealoneqalonealonealomealonealonealonealonealonealoneaAlonealonealonealonealoneqalonealonealomealonealonealonealonealonthe may pole is erected in the follow fields of ur fallopian tubethe dick talks to u through my pants plan all u wont im shure every thing will happer just like u plannedhapperier than a potted penis I sit and waist the products of our forward thinking cultures ass end andand I cant seethe justifications pour forth just as one wouldpictur magamagmamagmacross the land scape of hellor something like how the copious clear urine might steam out of a pregnet 90 yo earth womens unruly bush   but it inspires me if I just respire it it towers above the reson for its consumption it prespires obove left sholder just like they said it would and it disguises its voice in the unmistakably rational voice of ur very own thoughts and proto dreams should I just believe that I can just ride the 7 headed beast of my various dangerous flirtations. Shur I can do it   shit ill even be wearing one of that puppy dogs golden crowns an save the baby jesus,give him abath read him a story and tuck that little fuck in  ill eat the afterbirth from the mother of gods loins  ill  siphon all the gas out of gods brand new escalade  ill feed the snake some chican stuffed w/strife and malice <>
ill knock off judas ill sin out of control w/my friendly nrighbooor hood simian like a reasonable lly sized pulsar a at the egdge of the omni point that just goes ahead an explodes into a new universe that has relly cool laws of physics or maybe their not laws but more licke suggestions of physics any way god dosent care about that kind of jazz anyway hes as clueless as we are about thoes big questions I guess hes only one switch back on the overgrown trail to the trail to the beginning of timethe back wayhes just one flapjack above this dimention on the way up the infinitely tall tall-stack boy is that a sight to see it teeters crazily and drips simulated maple surup on buddas boyfriend and ahallahs aunts apartment manager krishnas kids were over yesterday they wouldn’t touch any thing to eat unless it was doused w/asaphotidaand they but they were mellow on account of all that ganga butterflies bring me that bitter bottle please bring me that bible please bring me that pamflit on the shape of hell put out by the scientist god prefers big hairy bush on a chicks.she was being paid a wage to excite my mate ing machinery and use it to swabatoge mymind  macking me misapproiate moneys that maybe will miss me .what a smothering and comfortable serpentine grip this arrangment of elements has on everyday it’s a iratable easing its essential of elation into my Early Ears and
 EyesThe jagged shape of of my denile is here on trile
Come witness the files processed
The leather being distressed
The lies on their confessor
Be the first be  the first be the first digital necro  micro life form immatator in ur general vicinity to be in control of the losses that are evident to any organized religion/w2 eyes and a corpus colapseum or its analog .The only data that stand s between thoes that qualify is Tuesdays trick

Tread the tight rope of tocking time tenitively till u tingle
Sleep soundly as saintly sanity is stolen from ur silver satin satchel
U Undulate uniquely to the unmistakable eukelele underground
Violate the vocal villagers vexing  verbal variances
Energgy emerging evenly and ineveiblely egging on everyones ego to enormace inflatition
Problem is as a problem does
The problem is that I,m addicted to pleasure:I,m addicted to [insert pleasurable activity here] how long have I been in italics?how long have I been underlined?how long have I been an addict?one addiction begets the others.how long will I live . How long will I be an actor?how long will I be sober? How long will I a un fulfilled person ? How long will I be any thing? How long will I be? how long will I ? how long will ? how long? How?Just look at tee infinetly long instrument pannel as it reseides into the vanishing point with its obviously urgent blincking warning lights. Do something!Do something!this thing is going crazy telling me tht it detects deciet desednt and diet foods
diet foods. This ship of fuels is beaching itself on the continalshelf of the future. The bloated binge barge of bitches bastards bastardsblowhards and the befuddled is blatantly blameable for this billowing blight of the base besieging me brotherin in bondage
But we go ahead and plow the soil of commen sense under the dust of days untill they they blow away and smother the crops and starve ur family.
Gard thoes  thoes huevos

the jagged shape of my denile

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