Aug 23, 2008 22:19
I got a call today from my friend Pete. One that has what I consider to be an amazing opportunity. One of his Chef's over at the Ritz is slated to move to the new Ritz in Lake Tahoe in two years. He told Pete today that he'd like to take him with if they work together for the next few years so he can teach Pete some things. Pete would then be a part of a this guys brigade and would move to new locations when needed.
Bascially what this chef is doing is assembling his own posse of people he trusts that he can bring with him to new hotel locations and get them running at the proper standards right off.
Pete called me and told me this knowing that i was going to be looking for a new job in the summer and that I would be interested in getting in on the ground floor. Its a chance to grow and learn as a cook as well as develop skills as a manager so that i can one day lead a team.
i'm pretty stoked on this idea and it could take me from Vail, to Tahoe, to Seattle in the next five years.