my, my, how the tides have changed

Apr 21, 2006 01:50

so life i pretty sweet right now!
actually its fucking awesmely badass!
so spring break has been interesting... didnt really do anything... still have 3 days left though... so they could end up being great!
but over this break... i went to the movies TWICE in one day! with two different groups which was fun
hung out with colin more than once in a week... crazy....
i had my first day of work at abercrombie which was good! and went by pretty fast! and their are some hott girs that work there... and hott girls shop there! and theya re of age too! which is crazy cause its actually a kids store...
but then today out of sheer curiosity and because noah young told me i should.... i went and applied att e new mongolian BBQ opening at 12 and gratiot... i had about a 10 minute interview with the manager after filling out my app and then they hired me on the spot...
SO I HAVE TWO JOBS NOW! both dont pay great or anyhting but both also have room for moving up and/or getting paid more!
and they are both rather "hip places to work" you might say
and aside from that... sprng break has been p[retty cool... and then today happened and it just got interesting for more than 2 reasons! but if i talked about that it would be another long rant about that!
but yeah spring break has been pretty cool and it aint over yet!

i feel really lucky lately
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