my moon my man, my moon my man.

Oct 15, 2008 14:01

Today I realized I will not be able to make a 2year commitment (right after college) to TEACH FOR AMERICA unless I stop drinking.  I waste so much time consuming alcohol in the evening and spending the next day hung over and spaced out. I hope I can learn to cut back by the time I reach senior year, but really I don't see that happening. Once I start I can't stop. I can't just have "one drink" I need two or three or seven (depending how weak they are).

Life without alcohol seems very frightening...

in other news I'm falling in love. never have i ever felt as happy dancing with one other person than i did last night. it was an awesome moment. previously i had been so self-conscious about my lack of rhythm and what not, despite the act that i truly enjoy dancing. but last night it didn't matter. last night it was just him and me and the music in a dark room.
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