Everything always looks the same.

Nov 01, 2005 21:58

If there's one thing I can respect myself for, it's being able to say that I've never once touched/messed around with, from kissing to sleeping with, anyone that I wasn't/hadn't been in a relationshipn with, and knowing that it's actually true.

Ten things that make me happy, because Jeff's an asshole.

[01] Open, honest, conversation
[02] Going for long drives and listening to good music while doing it
[03] Seven-Eleven's french vanilla cappuccino
[04] Eating healthily
[05] Skylar, Olivia, Luke, Angela, Benny, Bri, Matt, John, and Micah
[06] Newport/Hoboken, New Jersey
[07] My dad
[08] Getting cozy in my bed and reading
[09] The homey feeling of Christmas
[10] Perfect end-of-summer weather
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