my brother posed an interesting question to me today. while terribly cliche'd, it remains a question that i find interesting in that i cannot recall the last time i actually thought about what my answer would since high school. things change as frequently and as rapidly as people, so i redirect this question to you;(no silly answers such as "i
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then i would work on creating these stations about the country, and about the world. i think they would need to also include some kind of self-care or nurse practitioner facility, as well. and a centralization for barter and other opportunities like apprenticeships.
i would also put money into transit, as well as large-scale campaigns to get people out of their cars and onto their feet/onto bikes/trains/buses, etc, and just generally simplify their lives in ways that require fewer resources be wasted.
from here i'm not sure. i would try to focus on the de-specialization of our lives (i.e. i am a computer programmer and i buy all the things/services i need rather than doing most of it myself). i feel money is a really shoddy form of stored value, so i would work towards doing away with that. what else? ride bikes. feed people i love. dance. go hobo-ing about the countryside and cities, too. across the world. go back to school.
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