Jun 09, 2003 17:43
i met some guy at borders today to buy flaming lips tickets for tonight. yeeha well actually my sister bought mine for me since i didnt have any money. we lucked out considering its the day of the show and they are sold out. I think its officially over between me and fuckface, shit like that always happens in the summer and people that bitch if i dont go to their shows and about me traveling dont make it any easier. Ive fallen into my old habits again, another reason i have no money i guess. i hung out with megan the other day and we bought a teener and did it all in about 30 minutes and yea i think that got me started again, damn her but yea its my fault AAAAAAH i hate addictions but its sickly fascinating to have something disgusting to spend ur time on....like ciggarrettes and coffee and t.v. and the computer its all the same really.....i think my body officially hates me, this time around though i have ambien so i can sleep with this habit wow.....
i dont know if any of that entry made since at all feels good to type though