Aug 08, 2003 21:42
today i feel fat and worthless and silenced.
today as you yelled at me-- you stupid bitch-- i felt small. i hope that was your intention. does it make you feel better about your own pitiful life-- working in your (sister's) restaurant because you are too fucking stupid or lazy to get your own job-- when you yell at me-- a college student (not a lifer in the restaurant business) who only wants to make her 5 dollars an hour and tries as hard as possible?
today i feel ignored and unimportant.
today as i was passed over by you in favor of getting stoned instead. drugs really do ruin things. sometimes i wonder what would happen if i told you i was quitting.
i have a strangle hold on my feelings as i'm "careening through the facade of my favorite fantasy" because i'm afraid to dissapoint you... or rather, i'm afraid to disappoint myself as i shatter this perfect image i have of you.
i know we are all human. i know we all have bad days.
i know i know i know but can we please pretend that you are perfect? for just a little while, maybe? no? okay then we will just blame my crabby face on a crabby mood (or better yet, PMS) that way you won't have to take responsibility for your laziness, your poor decisions.
so i will sit quietly as all of you sing-song-- what's wrong why so sad why so sad why so sad... so sad... so sad so sad........................
and we will pretend it's my fault. even when we both know it's you.