Apr 12, 2007 08:58
It's snowing as forecasted. It ws -8 this morning on my way in to work. I suppose its only fitting that since Winter started late, it should end late, however that doesn't mean I have to like it.
Yet, I shall remain positive and look to the future as Summer soon approaches. (yes it does and you can't tell me any different!).
I'm really busy at work lately. I've got a couple of deals on the go, which is good. My probation is up next month (WEEEEE!) - and I'm very happy about that.
Sam is really enjoying his new job, which is great.
We are still sorting out the financial mess we are in. But I'm confident will correct it over time. We know the mistakes we made and they won't be made again. My parents are helping us (Which by the way, is not a bail out - but one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, 1. tell them about our personal situation 2. Ask for help.).
I've read back over LJ's for the time I was gone thru Easter, but haven't been able to comment much. I'm so far behind on everything at the moment, including housework and other things. I'm playing the eternal catch up game. Anyhow, I'm sure the majority of you understand and don't de-friend me due to my less posting at such. And if you do de-friend me, well PFft on you. I didn't need you anyway! *acts tough* :D
All in all - this is just a quicky update. I still want to write more about the "Secret" to express my thoughts on the matter. That is coming soon.
Hope you all have a wonderful SNOWY day!
p.s. HUGS and LOVE to those who need it. A few of you on my FL's do right now, and regardless of my personal situation, I can spare energy and positive thoughts - watch out, they are coming your way!