Nov 13, 2006 23:15
It was a good weekend in the world of Mr. Joshua Schmidt. To start things off, we need to go back to Thursday night. I walked out of the lockerroom after practice and to my disbelief, my name was on the roster to dress in the games this past weekend. I almost died. Saturday comes around and we lose the game, 6-5. It was okay. Close game from beginning to end. I got a fair amount of playing time, can't complain at all. Now it's Sunday, and we get to play Eastern Kentuky University (EKU). I love playing EKU. My first shift of the game, I crush some kid and my hustle is overwhelming the other team. We ended up winning the game, 2-1. As I said before, great weekend.
In other news, I'm going to Buffalo this weekend with the team. Hopefully I'll be dressing again this weekend. I'm going to go "ball's out" at practice to make sure I do dress.
Thanksgiving is next week. I'll be home Monday once I'm done with classes. To everyone that hasn't seen me in awhile *cough, Sarah!, cough*, we must get together and see a movie, get coffee, and what not. Call me, you've got my number. And if I don't hear from you by like, Wednesday, I'm calling you.
Christmas is only 42 days away! I can't wait!