Team Theme!

Sep 13, 2010 20:36

Previously stamped as:
Regular: Emperor Mateus ♦ Mirror: Cecil ♦ Cameo: Minwu/Red XIII ♦ Cameo Mirror: Gordon ♦ Weapon: Mateus' Rod ♦ Weapon Mirror: Bow ♦ Mirror Matchmaker: Gabranth/Mateus ♦ Summon: Shinryu ♦ Summon Mirror: Asura ♦ Song: Main Theme of FFII ♦ Outfit: Firion's Alternative

10 adjectives to describe yourself:
calm, analytical, independent, open-minded, clever, self-critical, secretive, manipulative/devious, obstinate, cynical (although it stems from idealism/general disappointment)
Is there a personality trait you would like to change/work on?:
Being as self-critical as I am can really be detrimental. I know everyone makes mistakes, but if I make one, I can't easily forgive myself even if it's minor... expecting perfection is unrealistic, but I do it anyway and it ends up leading to quite a lot of unpleasant negative side-effects. Asking myself how I managed to trip over that chair and drop the glasses I was carrying doesn't change the fact it already happened, and dwelling on it really only causes me to feel worse as well as potentially make even more mistakes (since my mind will still be back there instead of focused on something else), but... In short, I beat myself up a lot, but I kind of wish I could just laugh those things off like some people do.
What traits do you admire in others?:
Wisdom, genuine kindness (I'd say this is rare-- a lot of people like to say they're caring, but...), individuality
What type of people you tend to get along with?:
I can at least get along with most types of people in a group setting, but actually liking them is a different matter. In terms of people I enjoy working with... people who can think for themselves/act like themselves and... really, beyond that, the people I get along well with tend to be quite different. Some are extroverted, others are rather shy, some are...
...and what type of people you tend NOT to get along with?:
The opposite of the above, more or less. (Read: People who mindlessly follow whatever they hear and/or try to change themselves just to seem cooler/hide their insecurity or something along those lines.) Add in those who have no concept of reason... Overall, I know from experience we only bring out the worst in each other Also, I tend to not get along with bigots, people who complain about everything, and simply airheads in general. D: I know how that last one sounds, but I think "airheads" is just the quickest way to explain it since it creates an image of what I mean, heh.

Do you mind getting "Lone Fighter" stamp?: I guess if that's what you honestly see, I don't mind.

[ What are your views on... ]
Teamwork? Something that can be either enjoyable or dreadful depending on who you're with.
Friendly rivalry? I can tolerate it. It's great if it helps both of us challenge ourselves to do better and doesn't become envious or spiteful in the process, but... it often doesn't turn out that ideal.
Playing dirty? Not a problem~ Especially since, in this context, it implies physical fighting, which I don't consider to be a particularly good thing in the first place. Might as well end it the quickest way I can.
Humanity as a whole? Not so great. I tend to find people to be disappointing more than anything, and I'm prone towards writing them off as boring beyond that. I'll be the first to admit that the amount of people I actually like that much is rather small.

[ Your own adventure... ]
Imagine this is your own story, tell us what is it that you're fighting for, your goals and what is your story about?:
The Dissidia backdrop is rather different, but in a standard FF game I'd probably start out on an adventure for the sake of the adventure itself, knowledge, and hopefully the chance I'd come across a priceless relic. I'd be the most enthusiastic about fighting for something I believe in, if the situation arose along the way, particularly fighting to change the world for the better in some way, despite how relative and generalized that sounds.
In your story, Is there something that motivates you in moving forward and not giving up?
I tend to get extremely ashamed of myself if I give up anyway... and a lot of things could motivate me otherwise, be it my own ambitions, someone else's safety, or... the list could go on for quite awhile here.

[ Teamwork time! ]
Even when in a group, do you often want to do things on your own?
Yes. I'm perfectly fine doing things on my own... and feel more comfortable then if I don't trust the competence of whoever else I'm working with. However, I dislike being alone for long periods of time... even if I also need some alone time once in awhile since I get exhausted if I'm with people almost all of the time.
Is it alright if others in your group have different goals from you?
Sure~ It would be nice if we were all on the same page and our goals were horribly conflicting, of course, but I don't expect us all to be striving for the exact same things. Differences would make it more interesting, either way.
Regardless of the previous answer, are there and traits or goals that could cause you to refuse to even considering joining up with them?
Not really... While I may not agree with a goal like "I want to send everything in the universe to the void for no apparent reason!" I would find them interesting at the least, since I do find that to be a fascinating concept... so long as they aren't completely sadistic-psycho-crazy anyway. Though I would probably annoy them by asking far too many questions about it in an attempt to figure out why they want to as well as find out more about the concept in general, heh Besides, if there's someone I particularly disagree with, I imagine being in a group with them would make it easier to stop them.
Do you want to have fun on the way or to only focus on the next task?
I'd honestly prefer to have fun along the way... not to the point we're being careless, but only focusing on business can be grating and will make the whole ordeal even more tedious.
If one of your group members was in danger, would you want to try to help them?
In most cases, yes. Dead team mates usually don't help anything. However, I'm not so sure if I'd be willing to help someone like void-guy mentioned above if I thought he was going to kill me eventually anyway...
After it's all over, do you hope to keep in touch and meet them again?
Depends on how well we got along. Keeping in touch with old friends is always nice, but I'd have no interest in keeping with people I wasn't so fond of for obvious reasons, heh.

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team: mateus/ultimecia

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