May 25, 2011 21:39
SUP DAWG I HEARD YOU LIKE FINAL FANTASY SO I PUT LAGUNA IN YOUR DISSIDEO SO YOU CAN RP WHILE YOU RP or something idk that joke fell apart right around the middle.
Anyway, sup! The name's Tim, and I'll be bringing in the man with the machine gun, Laguna Loire from Final Fantasy VIII. He's Dissidia-flavored, as well, so this isn't his first time around the Cosmos-Chaos block. Count on him to be awfully cheery in all circumstances, and to suffer from severe leg cramps when he's speaking to beautiful women nervous.
Contact information time! On AIM, I'm MilleniumKnight ( yes I did spell "millennium" wrong because I'm an idiot who's too lazy to change it ), or you can email me at Additionally, if you're a fellow plurker, you can find me at gottacatchemall.
I'm really looking forward to playing here, and... uh, yeah. Awkward ending is awkward.