Who: Cecil Harvey and anyone else!
When: Now
Where: World of Darkness (neutral)
What: After his conversation with Rosa, Cecil has a lot on his mind.
Type: Log
Notes/Warnings: Cecil could use a distraction before he broods himself to death. Talk or fights are fine. If you're an enemy, you can probably sneak up on him easily, since his mind's on another planet right now, orz.
Cecil had been reacquainting himself with the lay of the land. It seemed many places were still here, while others were new. He'd stopped to rest in the World of Darkness, and with no travelling or mannequins to distract him, he was forced to confront the thoughts plaguing him. Already Rosa had told him much about the man he had been at home, and much of it flew in the face of what he'd come to believe. He'd discovered he was once a dark knight but became a paladin, that he had a friend from home on the side of Chaos, that he had a wife, one who was beautiful and gentle and kind, that he was a king.
A king? Hardly. He was just a warrior of Cosmos. His was a life of servitude to a goddess, befitting a knight. He was no king.
Had his brother known any of this? Were his memories gone, too? Was he even still here, and on whose side? Or had he been fortunate enough to make it back home? Golbez had been the single constant from home in the last battle. An ally, in his own way, working from the shadows. Even if Chaos had called him again, Cecil would be more than happy to see him again.
As for Rosa... None of his memories had returned yet, but she had stirred something in him. Her touch had made his heart ache, like it knew something his head didn't. Like he'd -- missed her. Did he love her? Had he loved her? He didn't even know much about her as a person, much less how he felt about her.
Then there was Kuja, who knew of Rosa. And that voice... The one that sounded like Tidus. Already, he felt uneasy on both counts. If something were to happen to either of them...
He wasn't even sure why he was still here in the first place, why the war hadn't come to an end, why Chaos and Cosmos were alive. He sighed, staring out at the expanse of darkness beyond the platform. There really was too much to think about.