Who: Cardinal Albert Simon & Members of the Chaos Fraction
When: Here & Now
Where: The Chaos Shrine
What: After a surprising revelation, further talks are necessary.
Type: Log
Notes/Warnings: PG-13. Some Chaos members are more violent than the next!
A Conveyor-belt for Killers )
The Remnant was in no hurry to arrive on time. He sauntered through the ruined temple with the leisurely gait of one who owned the place, Velvet Nightmare held comfortably in one hand, just incase he happened to encounter any nasties on the way. An unnecessary precaution, it seemed, as he slipped into the open-roofed throne room without so much as a whiff of trouble, and he took a moment to absorb its barren grandeur before nimbly hopping up onto a piece of broken column. Perhaps not the best seat in the house, but it would do. With that in mind he leaned back onto one hand, bent a leg up at the knee-actions as controlled and effortless as would be expected of any predator-and slowly rolled a little tension out of his left shoulder as he haughtily observed his supposed allies.
"I hadn't expected anyone to come here too soon, but it seems my comrades are just as eager as I to start this little meeting." Knowing that some members of the Chaos fraction are less than sane, Albert had to wonder if this young man was just as loony as some of the others. Albert hoped not, he wasn't very fond of speaking with crazies all thanks to Rasputin.
"Tell me, sir." Albert addressed the young man with formality out of habit. "What are your goals? Everyone needs a goal or two in life, therefore what are yours?"
"That's a very intimate question," he said lightly, after feigning a moment of consideration. Yazoo cocked his head; "Why should I tell you?"
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