The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities

Feb 14, 2011 21:23

Who: Count Dooku and Jack
When: After this post.
Where: Chaos Shrine.
What: Dooku has offered to corrupt train Jack.
Type: Whichever works
Notes/Warnings: Violence against Mannequins most likely.

some consider to be... unnatural )

jack russell [radiata stories], count dooku [star wars]

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chance_betrayer February 15 2011, 02:51:58 UTC
Jack had noticed the strange light when he'd been out earlier, but he still found in unsettling. However, he didn't let the light slow him as he approached Dooku.

He eyed the copy of Chris with curiosity. He'd seen light elves and members of Vareth levitate themselves, but he'd never seen them hold an opponent in the air like that.

"Hi, Count," he said to Dooku. "Am I gonna fight him?"


smooth_sith February 15 2011, 21:16:57 UTC
"No." The Count waved his hand and the Mannequin was hurled through the air to land in a heap at Jack's feet, where it swiftly got back up.

"You are going to destroy him. Show me how swiftly you can dispatch an opponent." One of Dooku's concerns was how much of a killer instinct this young warrior could truly have. According to the philosophy of the Sith, such an instinct was vitally important.


chance_betrayer February 16 2011, 00:29:30 UTC
The Mannequins weren't any different from blood orcs, really. They were primitive and violent, but ultimately not really good or bad. However, Jack was never one to hesitate when it came to a threat. Especially since that night when he'd attacked Fort Helencia. Without even thinking about it, he'd betrayed Radiata, Vancoor, and the entire human race.

At Dooku's order, he gave a powerful overhead swing of his sword, hoping the heavy blow would destroy it immediately.


smooth_sith February 16 2011, 01:37:17 UTC
"Well done," the Count boomed as the Mannequin clutched its newly-bisected head and dissolved into nothingness. "You did not hesitate, an important quality in a warrior." He was standing on the raised portion of the shrine, and slowly descended towards Jack. "I would like to hear more of the training and experiences you already possess. Only then will I be able to complete your education."


chance_betrayer February 16 2011, 02:41:16 UTC
Jack thought for a moment, deciding where to start. He lowered his sword as he started to talk ( ... )


smooth_sith February 18 2011, 16:51:27 UTC
Well now, that was interesting. Dooku began to circle around Jack, looking at him intently. Changes of allegiance were... an important issue for him. "And just how did you come to be on the opposite side of Radiata? It was your great desire to serve with them, I take it. Was your guild hired by their enemies?"


chance_betrayer February 19 2011, 04:05:49 UTC
Jack sighed. This part got a little personal. But he kept talking as Dooku circled him ( ... )


smooth_sith February 19 2011, 20:50:50 UTC
Dooku stopped circling as Jack's story came forward. Clearly there was far more to this young warrior than the Count had ever suspected. He sensed potential there, but also a threat.

"So your feelings to your friend led you to betray your people," he intoned. "Such passion makes a warrior powerful, but it can also cloud one's judgement. Tell me, now that it is in the past, what do you think of the choices you made? Would you have done things differently, if given the chance?" Would he follow his own conscience, over Dooku's direction? If he came to feel loyalty to Dooku, would that come to overrule all else?


chance_betrayer February 19 2011, 21:44:54 UTC
Jack didn't have to think about an answer to that.

"After Helencia, I realized I was going to be faced with a lot of difficult decisions. The old man- I mean the Fire Dragon told me that everyone has their own destiny. So I decided that protecting Ridley was my destiny. After that, I always knew the right choice, even if it meant doing something hard like fighting Sarge.

"There are a couple of things I would have done differently, but I still would have joined the elves. I don't agree with all of their goals, but they had to protect the dwarves, Radiata was planning to attack the elves next even if they hadn't attacked first."


smooth_sith February 20 2011, 15:03:38 UTC
"Then you follow your instincts over whatever rules and duties others would impose upon you." Dooku nodded and looked satisfied, although inwardly he was already calculating what this could mean for Jack's obedience. "I made a similar choice not so long ago, and I have never regretted it." A lie, at least regarding the regret.

"That is the first lesson I have for you, Jack. Your passions are what empower you, both in life and battle. Embracing them brings victory, and denying them brings weakness."


chance_betrayer February 20 2011, 17:45:29 UTC
Before the war, this was the sort of advice Jack would have dismissed as too complicated to have any real meaning. But now it was something he thought about carefully. It sounded very similar to his own beliefs. It also meant that he was doing the right thing by fighting for Chaos.

"Right. I'll remember that."


smooth_sith February 20 2011, 23:18:27 UTC
"Very good." The Count stepped in front of Jack and dropped his hands to his sides. "The second lesson I have is this: never completely relax your guard. An attack can come at any time, from an unexpected direction. For instance: defend yourself!" Suddenly his lightsaber was in his hands and flashing to life, its red blade descending in a slow swing towards Jack's arm.

Lecturing time was over now. Now was make-the-student-jump time. After more than half a century of teaching both Jedi and Sith, Dooku knew very well which was his favourite.


chance_betrayer February 20 2011, 23:39:56 UTC
Jack was not expecting that. Thankfully, he'd seen Dooku's weapon before, otherwise he might have attempted to block. The Arbitrator was a magically-enhanced sword, and not one easily damaged, but Jack had no idea what would happen if it touched that red light. He had wondered before, would it block it? Or would the Count's sword damage the Arbitrator? Or would that beam simply pass through Jack's sword making blocking useless?

Instead of blocking, Jack leaped back, thankfully earning nothing more than a cut on his sleeve. Jack was familiar with this sort of test. After all, he'd earned the right to wield his father's sword after dueling Gawain. In retaliation, Jack thrust his sword at Dooku, knowing that a stab would be harder to block than a swing.


smooth_sith February 21 2011, 21:19:11 UTC
The boy went immediately onto the attack instead of fleeing or protesting. Dooku was pleased with his instincts, and chose to reward him by allowing him to take the initiative for the moment. He turned nimbly aside from the stab instead of trying to block it, then continued the turn and spun, swinging his lighsaber low and slow towards the edge of Jack's leg.


chance_betrayer February 21 2011, 22:08:36 UTC
Jack knew how to dodge that! He leaped into the air, avoiding the swing, then stabbed downward with his sword as he fell toward Dooku.


smooth_sith February 23 2011, 15:39:42 UTC
Dooku knew many ways to defend against such an attack- going into the air granted momentum, but at the cost of vulnerability. However, throwing the boy across the room while he was in midair would impart a different lesson from the one the Count was currently teaching. Instead, he rewarded Jack for his attack again by quickly backing away from his descent, lightsaber raised in guard position. He wanted the connection between aggression and progress to be made clear in the boy's mind. Only then would Dooku begin to demonstrate his true power.


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