Searching for the Lost One

Jun 22, 2010 00:44

Who: Fang and anyone who cares to run into her
When: Now-ish (not long after round one start)
Where: The Rift (neutral territory)
What: Fang is exploring - and searching for certain people
Type: Logs
Notes/Warnings: New threads okay, no limit to number of responses, one per person or up to three people (including Fang) for one thread.

This was all too familiar - she'd spent a lot of time running around after this girl, trying to find her in one place or another. Trying to protect her. And now she was caught up in this strange place, in another war, one that she didn't understand nearly as much as she wanted to, with no indication that anyone she knew was around.

Fang was standing on the edge of an abyss, grass beneath her feet and an oddly constructed castle behind her, but in front of her was nothing but sky with some odd floating buildings - and tears in the sky, holding various scenes from what she could only assume were other places. She held up the crystal that she'd found tucked in her pocket, almost triangular and transparent, with a purple sheen - a crystal fang. Appropriate, that, and she had to scoff and smile a little at the whims of the gods. She hadn't tried using it yet, though, wanting to see what was going on with her own eyes.

"Now... Time to figure out just what's going on around here."

Placing the crystal back in her pocket, Fang shouldered her spear and turned away from the ledge.

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