[Accidental Audio] 1st Facade

Nov 08, 2010 22:38

[The last thing she remembered as she lay there in a daze-- It was her and Axel in Twilight Town. She knew that much. She had been finally tracked down there and Xion had chosen to engage whoever it was. Maybe a part of her had been hoping it would be Axel. And then a part of her had dreaded it. Especially the words he had exclaimed to her, undoubtedly a frustration that in that final reunion had sprung from the deepest recesses of if not a heart then simply his thoughts. Words that hit her hard again as she rolled onto her stomach. And these words at least for the moment seemed to make her forget the strange dream that had transpired on her journey there. Not that she would be escaping it. As her hands grasped out, they met with the first alien thing. Touching something round and solid. And, without her knowing, it reacted.]

[Accidental Audio]

What is...? It looks a little like... Hm... [There was a few moments of shuffling... Then silence. And then, softly.]

...What is this place anyway? I could have sworn... Is this. The place I was... But it can't be.

[The grinding of leather signaled her standing. It was followed shortly by a soft hiss of breath and a 'thunk'. Her voice sounding further away.]

...What? What was that? It couldn't have been another memory. ...No, it had to have come from something else. ...This world? [And then her voice fell barely audible.] A war...?

firion [final fantasy ii], seifer almasy [final fantasy viii], xion [kingdom hearts]

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