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[video] lastmessiah September 21 2010, 22:25:05 UTC
[The Cardinal chuckles softly. It seems that this little hostage situation as ended, and now everything is back to normal again. At least for now...]

So you mean to say you're willing to take up arms against us?

[A cruel smile appears upon Albert's elderly face.]

Oh my.


[video] mountain_sage September 21 2010, 22:27:04 UTC
In due time, yes. I would not go challenging others to random battles.


[video] lastmessiah September 21 2010, 22:38:27 UTC
Now you're willing to play this game, hm? Such a change! I wonder what happened.


[video] mountain_sage September 21 2010, 22:39:52 UTC
What do you mean? I've been willing from the beginning, and this is no game.


[video] lastmessiah September 21 2010, 22:52:18 UTC
Yet, you've been preaching how we shouldn't be participating, correct? When I welcomed those from Cosmos's side for a friendly battle, you frowned.


[video] mountain_sage September 21 2010, 22:57:05 UTC
No. I frowned because you were preaching about killing others in a battle that did not involve the crystals.

When I do battle, it will be for the crystals.


[video] lastmessiah September 21 2010, 23:43:24 UTC
Ah! Now it all makes sense!

[Albert chuckles again, obviously slightly tickled by the monk's words.]

Tell now, what will happen if your crusade for the crystal only save those who've won them? I highly doubt the God of Discord will allow us to live if we keep failing him.

Therefore, are you willing to jeopardize the lives of others for the sake of your own freedom?


[video] mountain_sage September 21 2010, 23:48:47 UTC
[He ponders carefully.]

It is a chance I would have to take. It is truly unfortunate for those on the side of Chaos, as I have no love for taking lives.

But it is my duty, and the duty of those who fight for Cosmos. Whatever happens, we cannot let Chaos win.


[video] lastmessiah September 22 2010, 00:11:22 UTC
[Wrong answer, Saleh. Very wrong answer...]

So you're willing to condemn us just to save your own miserable soul? Ha! And you people call us ruthless.

Hear me now, young man! I will be more than willing slit the throats of a few sickly sheep to ensure the survival of my flock, but can you honestly state the same?


[video] mountain_sage September 22 2010, 00:18:12 UTC
[And you're very wrong as well, Albert.]

We will not be the ones to condemn you. If Cosmos emerges victorious, everyone from both factions can return to their worlds. Chaos, on the other hand, seeks to destroy all reality, all existence. If he wins, then all of us will be condemned!

I'm appalled that you can say such things after merrily claiming that killing others would be "delightful."

And who might you be, exactly?


[video] lastmessiah September 22 2010, 00:32:18 UTC
Well, I rather we all die than just a select few. Besides, I am not ready to die just yet because of the will of your pompous Goddess. In short, if we ever meet in battle, friend, I'll kill without even a blink of an eye.

The name's Albert Simon, young man. Do well to remember it, for I shall be the one to find the way for us to escape madness without even needing to play along.

However, get in my way and I'll carve your innards out through your nostrils. Do we have an understanding?


[video] mountain_sage September 22 2010, 00:48:38 UTC
[There's a pause as Saleh is actually disgusted by the dapper gentleman's words.]

Albert Simon. Very well, I shall remember it. However, you will not find a way for us to escape madness, when you cannot even escape the madness within your own heart.

[And just out of consideration, the sage will share his own name.]

I am Saleh. Should our paths cross in the battle for the crystals, I make no promises.


[video] lastmessiah September 22 2010, 02:21:50 UTC
[The madness within his heart? What a line! Albert actually had to applaud Saleh for that one. So eloquent.]

Very good! Now I hope you are a worthy adversary, Saleh. I've been thwarted once before, but do not assume I shall be defeated once more.

That rude hero was a pleasant challenge for me, so I have high standards.


[video] mountain_sage September 22 2010, 02:28:09 UTC
Mhm. I would expect no less. And thus, I would not allow myself to lose either.

[Especially after these recent events. He has to redeem himself, to his fellow Cosmos warriors, to Cosmos herself, and most importantly, to the Great Dragon.]


[video] lastmessiah September 22 2010, 22:01:41 UTC
I do hope this valiant façade of yours doesn't fade, Saleh.


[video] mountain_sage September 22 2010, 23:11:57 UTC
You have my word.

[Even after everything he's been through of late.]


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