Did someone order a bard? (voice)

Sep 21, 2010 11:58

[A loud shriek could be heard as someone falls right out from the sky and into the waters below. After a loud splash and some coughing, the newcomer finally speaks. Now for those who do not know who he is, this poor bard is delicate soul who isn’t very fond of combat. For those who do know of him; he’s name is Edward Chris von Muir, and he’s the slightly cowardly prince of Damcyan.]

W-Where am I?! By the gods, I am lucky this water broke my fall.

[He sighs as he tries to make sense of his surroundings.]

Hello? Is there anyone here? Um…help?

[Edward splashes about for a moment until something caught interest nearby.]

Such wondrous light! It glows like a firefly at night. So beautiful!

[He's speaking about the magical crystal he just found. For those looking for the bard, he could be spotted at the Order's Sanctuary.]

(ooc: this is so after the rescue stuff, and this can be *actioned* if you want. :3 )

edward chris von muir [final fantasy iv], cecil harvey [final fantasy iv], rosa farrell [final fantasy iv], saleh [fire emblem], terra branford [final fantasy vi]

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