4th // Projection

Sep 15, 2010 20:23

[A projected image of Count Dooku appears above everyone's communication crystals, looking quite imperious]

This is Count Dooku of Chaos. Many of you on Cosmos should know by now that several of your number are currently missing. I am speaking to you now to inform you of what has happened to them, and how you may secure their return.

Your comrades are currently in our custody. They have been seized on the battlefield and made prisoners of war. You have my assurance that they are relatively unharmed and that they will be released in the same state once certain conditions have been met. Namely, in exchange for the return of your friends I am formally demanding the delivery of the Crystal previously seized by Cosmos.

Of course, I am not unreasonable, and I have no wish for any further needless bloodshed. I am willing to hear alternative offers and am open to negotiation, provided none of you do anything rash. I must however emphasize that if any of you wish to see our prisoners again, you will cooperate with our negotiations and make no aggressive actions towards Chaos.

To those of my comrades who were unaware of this plan, I apologize for neglecting to inform you, but I am sure you understand the need for security in the light of recent events. I now invite all of you to join me in securing our victory once and for all.

Servants of Cosmos, I await your answers. I trust that you will do the right thing.

[OOC: Is everyone okay with the captor/captive interaction log going up tomorrow, or would people like more time to log captures? Also, should I tag anybody else in the kidnapping log, or is everyone being taken by different villains?]

jill valentine [resident evil], count dooku [star wars], cecil harvey [final fantasy iv], shuyin [final fantasy x-2], shadow the hedgehog [sonic the hedgehog], kurtis [disgaea], nero [devil may cry], kefka palazzo [final fantasy vi], tidus [final fantasy x], adele nevanlinna [arc rise fantasia], aigis [persona 3], lloyd irving [tales of symphonia], jack russell [radiata stories], terra branford [final fantasy vi]

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