[Has anyone seen Lightning in the last week or so? Probably not: she's been training. From what the camera shows, she didn't heal herself or let others heal her at all, either--she's bandaged in a number of places, and her battle with one of the mannequins left a still-healing gash diagonal across one eye. Her voice is quiet at first, as if she's
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If you won't heal, then let me teach Serah. I can at least do that.
Ravager skills?
[Don't mind that look she's giving. She knows you just want to help, and she appreciates it, even if she won't say it. And if she didn't like the idea, she would've said 'no' right off the bat.]
Yeah. I'll teach her the basics, and when she gets that, we can go onto harder stuff.
[Translation: Permission, granted.]
[A smile? There is one. Not one that's wide and bright, but one that's glad all the same.]
She doubts the goddess would've made anything anyone but her could destroy, so she's going to town on a stone pillar. She's starting with swordplay for a while, but the way it bounces off the stone reminds her too strongly of the way it bounced uselessly off Anima's hard shell before they even became l'Cie, so now she's standing back, shooting it from pretty far out. She's not just trying to hit the pillar--no, she's trying to hit the same spot on the pillar.
Rounding a corner, he watches her without saying much at first. He knows that interrupting her isn't the wisest thing, and he's pretty sure she knows he's there anyway. So he waits until she's finished, letting her take the initiation into conversation.]
You're early. [A statement of fact, neither approving or disapproving.]
You're okay though, right? [Just ignore his tendencies for crushing on you, Lightning, it happens.]
I wonder what's going on back home. How far we are now, I mean.
[He's not thinking about them losing. He can't. Not with so much at stake, and so many people counting on them to make things right.]
Even if we get close to becoming Cie'th- I know we'll make it. We can do it. We can get out of here and make it back in time.
He pauses, a bit unsure, but still speaks.]
What's wrong?
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