o1st strife; [ video post ]

Jun 22, 2010 20:34

[ the recording starts off shaky but it's only a couple seconds later that his face shows up, grimace clear on his face as he holds the gem carefully. ]

...strange device.

[ there's a quiet sigh before he moves it around for a better view, peering into it curiously before giving up entirely, leaving it to record as it pleases. ]A classic battle ( Read more... )

tifa lockhart [final fantasy vii], yazoo [final fantasy vii], cloud strife [final fantasy vii], shuyin [final fantasy x-2], tidus [final fantasy x], firion [final fantasy ii], zidane tribal [final fantasy ix], amaterasu [okami], riku [kingdom hearts], aerith gainsborough [final fantasy vii], trunks briefs [dragonball z], terra branford [final fantasy vi]

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AUDIO || lightning_fists June 23 2010, 01:11:48 UTC

... )


AUDIO || traumastrike June 23 2010, 01:15:14 UTC
[ he knows that voice...but he hesitates in answering, not wanting to be right. ]



AUDIO || lightning_fists June 23 2010, 01:23:15 UTC
[ More static sounds as she breathes out in both relief that he was here and sounded safe, but also with a bit of dread because she suspected there would be a lot of fighting which meant that Cloud would be in constant danger. ] So it is you.


AUDIO || traumastrike June 23 2010, 01:27:08 UTC
[ he glances away from the crystal, not really sure if he wants to continue this conversation. last he could remember, they had been drifting, what with him taking his bike to ride far away for long periods of time without contact, it was strange to be talking to her again. ]

...yeah. Are you safe?


AUDIO || lightning_fists June 23 2010, 02:11:30 UTC
[ Waits and listens intently - almost desperately - for a response. Because while she knows the voice and can read the tones fairly well, in her opinion, it's not the same as seeing what's unspoken in his mannerisms. ]

As safe as I can be, I guess, considering... [ They were chosen to fight, after all, and Tifa's not foolish enough to believe she's invincible. Still, she'll do her best. ] You?


AUDIO || traumastrike June 23 2010, 02:16:47 UTC
[ he takes a while to answer, seemingly as if a way out of the inevitable conversation would just show itself up in front of him. it doesn't though and so he responds after a long beat of silence. ]

I'm fine. Sort of surprised, but...fine.


AUDIO || lightning_fists June 23 2010, 02:26:03 UTC
[ Smiles faintly to herself, though she knows he can't see. ] I'm glad... that you're doing fine, I mean. [ Breathes out softly ] And... I guess anyone would be surprised at being taken somewhere and showing up somewhere else without warning.


AUDIO || traumastrike June 23 2010, 02:31:09 UTC
[ he exhales slowly, finally willing himself to bring up the topic he feels is on her mind already. what he doesn't know is that they're from different timelines... ]

...sorry about not calling back. I've been...busy. The orphanage is doing okay, right?


AUDIO || lightning_fists June 23 2010, 02:39:26 UTC
[ Her brows furrow at that because that doesn't make any sense at all. And while she does want to answer his second question, the first one is just so very distracting of her attention. ] Not calling back? What're you talking about?


AUDIO || traumastrike June 23 2010, 02:45:37 UTC
[ that question earns a furrowed brow from him as well. why was she asking about that? was she trying to antagonize him? ]

The voicemails...? After the last delivery, I rode out for a couple of days. I was going to call you but I lost track of time.

[ in reality, he had attempted to scour the lands for some sort of treatment for Denzel's geostigma only to become inflicted himself. he wisely leaves this piece of info out. ]


AUDIO || lightning_fists June 23 2010, 03:07:29 UTC
[ A couple of days? That's definitely not right since - ] But... I just saw you this morning. When we had breakfast together with the kids, remember?


AUDIO || traumastrike June 23 2010, 03:18:24 UTC

[ okay, that definitely wasn't right. what was up with everyone's memory here? or was it really him who was brainwashed? ]

I haven't been back to the orphanage for almost three days now. There's no way that happened.


AUDIO || lightning_fists June 23 2010, 03:33:13 UTC
[ There's static on her end for a moment while she tries to make some sort of sense out of this. How could it be that he didn't remember what had happened that morning? And why did Cloud say that he left for a few days after the last delivery when he always made a point to come home every night ever since... and then something clicks in her head. ]

Wait, you said that there were voicemails.


AUDIO || traumastrike June 23 2010, 03:35:01 UTC
Mm. From...you and some other delivery requests.

[ he's eying her curiously, trying to find out what's going on in her mind. had something happened back in edge when he had left? was he to blame for not being able to protect his friends and family again? ]


AUDIO || lightning_fists June 23 2010, 03:44:09 UTC
[ She doesn't want to believe it's true or that it's even possible, but his answer confirms it for her. ] I haven't had to give you delivery requests for a year...

[ Breathes in and takes a moment because everything's starting to spin a bit as the revelation sinks in. ] ...Not since you had Geostigma.


AUDIO || traumastrike June 23 2010, 03:47:38 UTC
[ he grits his teeth when she finishes speaking, looking down at his infected arm and gripping it tightly in frustration. how did she know?...he had gone out of his way to avoid coming back to the orphanage just to spare her from finding out. and yet... ]

...I don't know what you're talking about.

[ better to play the ignorance card. maybe she'd leave it alone. ]


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