002 [UNFILTERED] video

Jul 28, 2010 09:11

[ First glances indicate nothing out of the ordinary with the Remnant. As always, Yazoo appears calm, collected and unruffled; if there's a slight pallor to his already light skin then it's very, very subtle ... and he's choosing not to dwell on the shadowed half-moons beneath his eyes. Dusty leather has been cleaned, tangled hair has been smoothed-all traces of the first clash between Chaos and Cosmos appear to have been brushed off and swept away.

It would take a highly trained ear to recognize the carefully controlled tightness in his voice as strain, and just a lick of boldness to call him on his pain. A hidden wound, perhaps? Deep tissue damage? Yazoo's not about to let on, nor make it a priority. Instead, the beginnings of a cruel smile flicker around the corners of his lips; ]

That wasn't so bad, now, was it ... ?

[ But his features soon relax into his usual expression of disinterest, and when he speaks again his words are soft, sweet, and utterly black. ]

Congratulations, Cosmos.

rufus shinra [final fantasy vii], yazoo [final fantasy vii], lightning farron [final fantasy xiii], saleh [fire emblem], xion [kingdom hearts]

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