Jul 27, 2010 12:03

[You awaken in your room in Cosmos's base sanctuary feeling very renewed. All of your battle-wounds have been healed as if they'd not been there to start with. You hear a voice in the air around you, though there are no speakers or other devices that could've projected it there. The voice is but a contented whisper. A relieved sigh, perhaps.] Thank you.

[You're awakened abruptly (and painfully--the wounds you've acquired in battle remain) in your room in Chaos's base by a furious voice.] Pathetic. And weak, all of you! [The fury calms, but the voice is still cold and deeply disappointed.] From here until the next battle, you will train for at least an hour each day. And next time, you will be stronger. I trust that I'm understood.

[Details: EVERYONE IS STUCK IN THEIR FACTION'S BASE, FOR NOW. This will only last a couple of days. Things are just... rearranging a little, and the deities don't want their warriors to get their limbs or innards rearranged in the process.

Cosmos warriors: Just go about business as normal, for now. She's got a reward coming for you guys, don't worry.

Chaos warriors: His punishment's already in place. He's displeased, so not only do you have to deal with your battle-wounds, but you have to devote a chunk of every day to training. If you choose not to, you find yourself getting weaker by the hour, and your body starts to ache. He's not playin' around. Muns, you DO NOT HAVE TO RP THE TRAINING OUT. I figure it'd be handwaved for the most part, but it'd be a good chance to get some more sparring threads going, if that's your thing.]

!cosmos, !chaos

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