Who: Dooku's
victims and partners in crime.When: Backdated to immediately after the kidnappings, and then on from there.
Where: Area 8,
Ultimecia's Castle, Chaos territory.
What: Sith hospitality.
Type: Whichever works.
Notes/Warnings: Some threads may involve interrogation or torture. Separate threads for separate interactions, i.e. DOOKU
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"Oh but you are, Terra. Do you not remember how you killed hundreds of Imperial soldiers? Soldiers that were simply following orders, believing that they were doing what was best for their nation, their families, their world? What of the Magitek Armor pilots that pursued you at Figaro? They had families, one had five children, the other was supporting an elderly mother that later died a painful death because she could no longer afford medications with her son killed by your hands."
The grin went from bemused to manic in a heart beat as he sent waves of electricity through the tube, redirected and amplified by the technology and settings he used in the research tubes he kept other Espers trapped in causing the electricity to shoot through every possible space within the confines.
"FACE IT TERRA! You're a witch. You always will be, always have been. You were destined for greatness! Daughter of Maduin - bearer of the Chaos Wing - power incarnate! YOU WILL ACHIEVE YOUR GREATNESS, AND YOU WILL GIVE INTO YOUR TRUE NATURE!!"
Terra stared at Kefka blankly at first, given that she had so very little in the way of memories about her home world and what happened there. It didn't take long for her to shrink back in horror at Kefka's words. Even if he was just trying to rile her up -not difficult- what he said didn't exactly contradict what Celes had explained earlier.
The more he spoke, the more Terra just kept shaking her head until finally she couldn't bear it anymore. "No! That's not my true nature, no matter how much you want it to be! I won't give into anything you want!" She would rather die first...and as that thought emerged, Terra realized it might come to that. Still, better death than harming her friends ever again.
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