Oct 06, 2008 20:29
It might be that i read through a copy of "Left Behind" at work today (evangelical Christian fantasy-thriller; actually it was no more poorly written than a Tom Clancy novel, and definitely more imaginative) and the writing put a bad taste in my mouth, but i just watched an episode of Dark Angel that i haven't seen in years, and it struck me what a humane and well made series that was.
All the characters are so likeable - Firefly-likeable; everyone on that show just seemed to be having fun. Even when the second season came, and the network had obviously tried to retool it to make it more spectacle driven (a'la SeaQuest), the writing still managed to keep its integrity. Probably why it was canceled.
Am trying to write some very derivative sci-fi myself, and i completely ran out of steam this afternoon, but i think DA brought me back. Only noticed today how strongly things like that (Dark Angel) inspire you, and how strongly things like the other (Left Behind) can drag you down. Maybe bad art is actually bad for you.