NAME: Alixandria/Alix "Elixir" Grey.
PLAYED-BY: Taylor Momsen
AGE: fifteen. (sixteen on april eighth)
GENDER: female
RACE: human.
OCCUPATION: none yet.
PERSONALITY: Alix is, in short, snarky, uncouth ( no really, she curses a lot), irritable and a tiny bit yandere. But only a bit. She also carries an air of being invincible around her. She grew up with a love of danger - this having grown from her love of action adventures in movies, books, the works. As she grew up, she became smug and, in particular, crafty. Shoplifting became a habit, and to tie into this, her persuasiveness, and her acting ability, grew.
As for her personality quirks, she has quite a few, she's rather blunt, as well as mocking, sarcastic and violent. Sarcasm and snark make up her first defense, meaning that, if you're lucky in some way, you don't encounter the bitchy side.
There is a side to her that most people don't see, however - in fact, only Janus, Eli, Nico, Red and Kohl have ever seen it -, and that is the side where she's actually sort of... nice. Not sweet sugary nice, but she'll show that she cares, by staying up until you come home, ect ect.
But if you don't know her well, and chances are you won't, she'lll do whatever the hell she wants.
HISTORY: Alix was born in Mirrondon, a place thought of as damned. Her father abandoned her and her mother when she was young, and her mother become so depressed she hide herself in liquor, boys and drugs. Alix herself, however, was too young to understand. As she grew up, however, she realized what had happened and discovered that her mother was warping herself.
This, of course, created the perfect opening. She'd never liked being caged in the house; she always liked to be outside. So when the first opportunity arose, she took it and went outside. Even though the world around her was dark and steam filled, she was entranced. She was five at the time, and from the ages of five to seven, she began stealing books from the library. Soon enough, this extended to other fields, and more than once the police officers dragged her home to her only half worried mother. More than half of the time, however, she fought back against the officers. Finally, with the help of her then-current boyfriend, she enrolled Alix in the local public school, hoping it would stop the misbehavior.
If anything, that was the wrong thing to do. After getting over the initial defensiveness that comes from entering a school, she came to discover that that odd, smelly place she went to five days out of the week was full of kids just like herself; Sneaky, crafty, dark and angry problem children with nothing to do and no one to care. Using that formidable brain of hers, she came up with a plan, and for the next three years of her schooling she focused her energy on learning as much as she could about the dark and dangerous parts of Mirrodon and recruiting a group of kids into a semi-proper gang. By the time she was ten, the group was infamous for a good amount of deeds: Stealing, acts of violence, ranging from minor to major, but never death, criminal activities basically.
The group consisted of her, Kohl Namikawa, Jared "Janus" Rawson, Elias "Eli" Innwood and Red. Almost from the start of meeting each other, they had their aces.
Eli was the affable, grinny teachers pet that was acing chemistry. His little brother, Nico, often hung around him. Red had everyone hounding after her with her unlikely beauty. Kohl had good aim with everything, and could still somehow keep it under the radar. Alix was a born persuader. Janus, he was the strong one that had a penchant for bullying.
On her eleventh birthday, she came home to find one of the major gang bosses in her house. He told her that she and her friends were to join their gang, either that or stop all activity. Naturally, she accepted.
Two years passed. She discovered how fast she really was, and a few months later, It happened. It has been an accident - she'd been delivering something and a couple of rival gang members spotted her on her cooldown. They didn't know about her ability, so they went after her. They shouted, so naturally, she ran. She didn't even notice she was headed straight for a wall before it was too late. Closing her eyes, she slowed as much as she could and prepared for impact. Impact? Never came. She phased right through the wall.
Long story short, she and the others broke away with little injuries when she was around fourteen, and set up their own base.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: She can run extremely fast, and she intangible, meaning that she can phase her body through things. She'll also extremely skilled with blades, particularly switchblades and the like.
But in this case, her speed is decreased a bit and she can only reach her maximum speed if she has a ton of caffeine. As for her phasing, she can't phase through people or any other living thing. Her skill with blades stays, however, since that's a learned ability and technically not a power.
MISC. She has a vertical scar down her left eye, and carries a switchblade on her at all times. (Also:
here is her extended, general info.)