Dec 19, 2004 03:10
*So I know I should be going to bed right now.
See that I'll have to go to chruch in the morning but I need to get
this all out while it's still fresh. Well let me explain. I just
watched the movie Mean Girls. And yes I've seen it before, but it never
really hit me like it did tonight. I think it showed actually what I've
been wanting. It may seem like a real retarded movie but the message is
so strong. And it sooo true about high school as well. You have these
clicks. It may not been exactly like it was in the movie, but you know
their there. You can feeling them. And I know for a fact that people
talk about me behide my back. Even best friends. We know we all do it.
Shit, I add might it. Instead of going to the person sometimes I feel I
need to say something to someone else. I don't really understand why.
And we know when we get mad at people, best friends the most, we take
everything and anything we know about them and try to make people hate
them. Yes I did that. Everyone who talks to me knows I did that. And I
feel horrible thinking back on that. I know I keep saying I'm sorry,
but I feel like a complete and total waste of a friend now that I
really think about it. Katie was my best friend. And then she started
into stuff that I just couldn't handle anymore. And then when we got
into that big fight I brought others into it. I said things and called
her names because I was mad at her. Yes I am a hypocrite. And I guess
you can say I'm not a good friend. Shit. But back to my point, (getting
side tracked) I don't really understand why we do it. Why can't we all
just get along. No we don't have to be best of friends with everyone,
but at least have the dignity to not say mean shit about them, to their
face or behide their back. I know I do it. And again I admit to it. But
I also don't understand, if you don't like someone why you make friends
choose between them. Yes your not gonna like everyone but God, don't
make them choose. That's not right. So what if you hate her. You have a
friend I don't like but I'm not making you choose. Shit all I'm saying
is that I want maybe not peace, but dignity though all of us. I don't
understand how I turned into someone I've always said I've hated, but I
guess thats life. But my one and only Christmas wish, not present
and all that shit, but real heart felt Christmas wish is this: I want
to stop being a bitch and talking about people. And I want everyone to
feel love and happiness. Not be afraid to go to school because others
are and will talk about them. But it's gotta start somewhere. So I'm
gonna use all my might to try. And I'm asking everyone and anyone, even
if I don't talk to you, if you see or here me doing it stop me
^ Wow. Haven't written one like that in a while.^
deep thoughts