Nov 28, 2004 10:52

only way i can discrible lastnight is with the words
so it stared off all good i was the third person to walk through the door...after a long time tho people started showing up by the numbers! after a bit the punx all went to this room wthat had nothing in it but boxes on the floor a bar with old clothing and a few piles of dog shit! haha but we seculded our selfs in that room... adn a few kids came in there this half mexican looking kid walked in and started tlaking he was pritty cool...but after a while the 1st keg was EMPTY!! OHH NOEZZ!!!! but no fear two more were on there way!!

maybe i should say right now that this WASNOT a punker party! there was a dj guy with turntables...and lots of kids on E and well yea you get hte point it was more preppy kids that punk kids... i woudlo say abtou half of them i knew and i went to school with.

so the kegs get there... everyone fills there cups... i was happy i was allready drunk! i started drinking well befor anyone really got there... so the 2nd keg goes empty and someone hid the tap! AHHH but that was only to save the 3rd keg for a while.
durning this time there was some kid who looked liek that black rapper with the fake nose...back from teh day... but this kid looked liek him cuz of the clothing and he had a big noise and stupid hair... but he was makeing fun of my friends and i gvot pissed so i grabed his sholder and spun him aorund liek WAHT THE FUCK is yoru problem..and he had a attitude and was acting all bad because two of his friends were there with him getting in my face ... but i was wanting to get ina fight all night so im jus tliekk i hope i get hit! but in a matter of minute one of my friends saw what was going on and went and got a hole bunch of kids form the other room and while i was augrewing with the kid i saw liek 8 kids im friends with get in the room and i felt good..cuz peopel actually cared :-D... but that died once teh kid realised he was otu numbered...wudda bitch!

anywho.... by now the 1st 2nd AND 3rd keg are empty someone went to the store to get a ntoher one and they were out of kegsso peopel that had cans were happy i wasent tho cuz i wanted to drink more!

after wlaking around for a while i hurd someone say there was a fight upstares and im like HELL YEA cuz iw anted to fight so bad! so i go on the stares and so many kids were pushing around i had to climb up the railing and i went to falll and who catches me ... DAN STAN! and i was wiht him over there for a bit and i started to get people out of there and this kid got in my face and said he was going to kick my ass...what kid..the same mexican kid who was cool as hell earlyer that night... while he was pushing me i saw someone hit my friend in the face and then i saw a nother friend hit some one else... so i jsut laid this kid infrount of me out and then his freind hit me and i laid himn out and then my friend who got hit was beating the shit out of the kid that hit him and the kid tryed to run i think cuz they qound up by me ..and i started punching the kid..the kid got corrnered and fell over a table and trhe lamp broke and i started stomping on his face... if anyone knows anything abtou grinder boots.... thos will FUCK you up... steal toe boots with lots of tred on the bottom..and i was stomping away liek this kid just hit my mom in the face... jsut stomp stomp stomp!...then i see some peopel running at me adn my friend and i started swinging... i missed hahaha then i got hit in the face by this big black guy and i serisouly flew out the frount door haha it was so funny.. i felt liek a bitch ... i was doing so good holding my own in there then this big black guy one hit and i fly out the front door... so i got in my truck took off and poarked fdown the street...ran back to the house cuz i still wanted to fight! ...but noooo the fighting was over... some kid got this all recorded and i need to find that kid i need this footage!!!,..the hole right side of my face hurts as well ass my right hand!
all in all tho it was good... lot more peopel have my back then i though would...and
because i stomped that kids face in i was invited to more partys!!! yeyyy

and now im going back to sleep

Jay-Z and Linkon Park are a good combo...i like this a lot
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