Ok people, as all of you should know I am an avid cyclist. As such I sometimes read bike-related news articles. Today I stumbled upon this one:
http://www.bikeradar.com/news/article/killer-driver-sues-cyclist-victims-family-14240 This article makes me sick.
For those who don't want to read it the gist is that a 17 year-old cyclist was struck by a car going 100mph and was killed. The driver of the car is suing this poor kids family for damages to his car from when he struck and killed their son. I sincerely hope he dies painfully in a fire.
Cyclists are everywhere, but way too often cars don't even think before they go zooming by one, or attempt to cut one off in an intersection. They don't think about the fact that they are encased in 2 tons of metal, while the person on the bike is wearing a tiny bit of lycra and their skin. If an accident occurs they will be fine, the cyclist will not.
I know how most people in cars think of cyclists: we're a nuisance, we're taking up road and we're in the way. It makes me want to go slap people around at how close some people get to me going really, really fast. I've seen people get hit by cars on bikes, and it is no fun to watch.
Please be careful if you're driving and you see a cyclist. Give them space, let them know that you aren't going to endanger them, even if you have to slow down, or wait behind them until it's safe to pass. So many cyclists die unnecessarily every year because of reckless driving. It makes me very sad.