Aug 24, 2007 12:11
Alright, like seriously guys. I know I have a hot ass, but PLEASE REFRAIN FROM CAT CALLING AT ME IN MY GODDAMN DRIVEWAY.
The hatred for the neighbors has grown greatly this summer.
My parent's (current) house is surrounded by many rentable house/apartment duplex thingies. They're not bottom of the barrel houses, but they're getting pretty close. Now, I don't know if this is just our bad luck, or by the deographics of fitchburg but we always have at least one Puerto Rican family living in one of the houses. Apologies to anyone who's Puerto Rican, and I really hate that I sound racist when I say this--because I've known some pretty awesome Puerto Ricans--but the families that have lived across from me, oh my entire life, in varrying waves have all been THE WORST neighbors in the history of bad neighbors. Seriously. If there was a world record, they would win it.
And they come in great numbers. When I say a family, I don't mean two parents and a couple of kids, I mean the whole goddamn family tree. My neigborhood has never been the type of place where everyone knows each other either. People come and go often enough that we're of the philosophy that if you're civil to us, we'll be civil to you. HOWEVER. This does not apply to my neigbors.
They have been so unrelentingly loud all summer that I want to spear EVERYONE OF THEM and BBQ them until they cry. ESPECIALLY THE WOMEN AND CHILDREN.
They live on the porch/street in fornt of their house, CONSTANTLY. If the weather is nice, they are all outside. And with that comes all ten of their shitty cars, and their screaming fucking children, and their goddamn music. Which they also think is appropriate to play at any volume, and at any time they so please. Calling the police does nothing, it just makes the quieter for about an hour. They also must scream every aspect of their life to each other, in some garbled form of spanish, from the third floor window to the street. So all that combined, makes everyone living around them pretty fucking pissed off at them. What's worse is they act like they own the entire nieghborhood. They ride aorund on their bikes and their cars and stare at people, just to intimidate them. And it works too.
They also swear at my family, and our other neighbors. This especially pisses me off when they shout 'fuck you' whenever my Dad walks across the street, or call him 'gringo.' And lately we have the rest of the family moved on at another house, so we've got 180 degrees of Puerto Rican 24/7.
And they've started cat calling at me. I have to open my garage to get my bikes, and it just so happens that it opens right up so all six of them can fucking stare at me while I do anything near my garage. I can't even go roll the windows up in my car without scratching my ass, looking up, and finding one of them staring at me from the third story.
We have absolutely no privacy in our own home. There is no quiet, and there won't be until the weather gets much, much colder. I just can't understand what would make these groups of people that have lived across from me such shitty human beings.
I hope they die from very, very painful diarreah.
I cannot wait until my parents move away from these ass-clowns.
And I also really wish I had some balls, so I could go over there and tell them what-for. Of course I'm too afraid they'll retaliate in petty theft and property destruction. And I'm really afraid they'd do something to my dog.
Bunch of fuckheads.
fucking neighbors.