
Jan 15, 2007 09:21

So, yeah. I have a new job and it is the awesomes. I now work at a DIFFERENT bike shop--the RIVAL bike shop to my old one. Thus if I ever set foot in my old shop again I highly suspect I'd be chased out with a hot poker. But yeah. Bitches deserved it. It's usually a general rule that if you treat your employees like crap, and a better oppurtunity arises THEY WILL TAKE IT. No more driving hobos to the packie for me! AND THEY PUT A GOUGE IN MY CARBON FRAME BITCHESHOESWHORES. *ANGER.*

But I digress. I started riding with the rival shop this summer for training, and they offered me the job then, but I didn't want to be a class A deserter. Of course when they asked me again this past semester I said yes, because being a class B deserter is totally fine with me.

My first impressions of the shop are pretty awesome, and not awesome as in naive 'OOOH bikes and other such things' awesome, but awesome in the way of 'I know how a bike shop should work and if there are fucking tools who staff it' kind of way. Hopefully this first impressions does not prove to be incorrect. The owner seems like a really good guy, a little crazy, but he's very fair and he has good philosophies. No more of this, 'The customer is always right and GODDAMNIT TIES THEIR SHOES FOR THEM IF THEY AS YOU.' crap I got at Gamache's. He knows how to treat customers, and give them good bike service, but he also values the happiness of his employees. He actually understands that happy employees will be loyal and do good work. This was a concept that escaped Gamache's... Oh, and another thing. I'm actually getting TRAINED here. Which I'm perfectly willing to swallow my pride and do, because god knows I didn't get trained at Gamache's. Everything I learned there I learned by myself through lots of mistakes and painful humiliation.

But yeah. It looks like there are good people there, very chill people.......and also the fact that they have a fridge in the back whose sole purpose IS TO BE A KEG THAT DISPENSES DELICIOUS, DELICIOUS LOCAL ALE...FROM A TAP ON THE SIDE OF THE FRIDGE. Now if that doesn't just reek of awesomeness then please, show me the way.

So, from actually knowing shit about bike shops, I think I'm ACTUALLY going to be happy here. Hurrah.

Man, though. The bike industry is seriously grooming me. If I ever don't succeed in saving the world from environmental meltdown like I plan to then at least I'll have a fall-back. It's not often you have a female that's trained in the bike industry. Anyway yes. And now I am off to work.
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