
May 07, 2007 23:16

The flurry of activity for the month of May has started and in a way I'm relieved because it means everything will be happening in like, five minutes, but as I was telling Kjel the other day, I think I'm sabotaging myself, which is something that I do. I have a bunch of work that I need to get done that I've been putting off for about 2 months and as soon as I get said work done, I'm pretty much just coasting until the actual graduation ceremony. And it's not that it's a lot of difficult work, I could pump it all out in a day if I really wanted, but I just can't bring myself to do it and find the dumbest distractions from completing anything. It's the last hurdle before the finish line and now I'm scared to cross it, which is so fucking pussy of me and I don't understand it in the least, but I'm guessing this is my subconscious taking over and trying to tell me something. I feel guilty for getting this degree when I know that I haven't put nearly as much work into it as a lot of my peers, but at the same time, I guess I have. I think right now I'm like HEY WAIT A MINUTE BACK THE TRAIN UP. Yet I forget that I've been on said train for five fucking years and my time is most definitely up. It's all subjective and you're always your own worst enemy, or something cliche like that.

Last Tuesday, Kjel and I got to see Conan while he was here in the city taping, which was a pretty cool experience. That is, aside from waiting in line with, literally, 3,000 other people. Once we got inside the crowd went nuts and it was cool to be part of something where so many people were so fucking excited and I got swept up in it like anyone would. George Lucas and Will Arnett were the guests for our show, which was cool but I wished that we'd gotten to go to the Friday show where Snoop Dogg was the guest because he is a king amongst habitual pot smokers such as myself.

Wednesday was only noteworthy in the sense that I worked a shift at the other store where the manager I'm trying to hook up with is. It was awkward for a moment when an old employee of mine who had transferred to this store looked at Mark (manager) and I and said "You two look good together" to which I replied "Oh my god SHUT UP" and Mark laughed and unbeknownst to me for half a second, he started doing the slapping-the-ass motion behind me. I caught him and laughed nervously, to which he replied "What, we work at different stores, it's alright!" and I said "True." and that was that. I'm working there this coming Wednesday, where I have to tell him that I can't go to the screening of his movie because I have to go to a fucking meeting for graduates. Yeah, he kind of asked me out but not really since other Bux people would also be there, but it counts for a little bit of something, right?

Thursday was fucking gay. My production group met with the client that we've been producing this video for all semester so we could show them the 98% finished product. They liked it and seemed surprised that we could actually put something like this together, but then they saw our rival team's product and apparently decided that they "might use it" next year for their awards ceremony, completely negating my working my ass off and running around like a fucking idiot trying to get all of this footage in time for it to be edited and finished for their award ceremony in two weeks. We make things for them to be shown, and while I'll be the first to admit that I wouldn't have gone to this ceremony to see my work, I want to know that others are seeing it and it wasn't all in vain. I almost cried after they told us that they were going to have a speaker with a PowerPoint in lieu of screening our piece. Fucking cunts. I made myself feel better with a nap and a midnight showing of Spiderman 3, which was not as great as I had hoped but Topher Grace and James Franco were delicious enough.

Weekend was uneventful. I cut off all my hair, which wasn't the original intention but the Asian woman got a little happy with the clippers and even managed to carve a nice chunk out of one of my sideburns after I explained to her in very simple English that I wanted to keep them. It'll grow out nicely before the wedding and Thailand so it ain't no thang, I just don't enjoy looking like a bull dyke.

Bjork in 12 days (THE ALBUM COMES OUT TOMORROW, GO BUY IT). My family starts arriving in 17 days. Graduation in 19 days. Thailand in 28 days. And I just tripped out typing that. I guess it's time to start cleaning the flat and airing out the pot coffin quality.
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