
Mar 21, 2007 18:22

I'm sure all of you will be jealous to know that here in the wonderful city of San Francisco, on the station that used to be WB but is now something completely horrible, every Saturday night they play reruns of Soul Train from the late 70's and early 80's. I wasn't aware of this glory until this past weekend when Kjel and I were drunkenly pigging the fuck out on donuts; it is, however, my new favorite discovery. This is now the answer for whenever I'm asked, "If you had a time machine...". The costumes that people wore are enough, but the music is fucking awesome and not to mention, I would finally be able to sport that jheri curl that I've always wanted. I'm kidding, but let's all keep in mind I'm a regular jew-fro wearer (not that I have a choice in the matter) so for it to be fashionable to dip your own jew fro in burger grease, that's fantastic news. Consequently, I'm now making it my mission to own all of the electro-funk that was popular at the time.

Which brings me to my next issue: the new Air album. I'm sure a lot of you care, so feel free to skip this part, but I have to get it out. First and foremost, I wasn't even aware that it had come out already, so seeing it was a joyful surprise. Naturally, I love the fuck out of them and had high expectations; Talkie Walkie was really great and I was expecting something along those lines, if not a little grittier or harder since that's where a lot of electronica is heading right now. Anyway, long story short, I pop it in the computer to immediately burn it onto the iPod, and I play the beginning of the first track, which sounds cool and is probably one of the tracks I actually dig. The rest of it plays and I found myself actually switching it to something else through the fourth song. I was right when I hoped it would be something like the previous album, because it was, but not the part of the album that I enjoyed as much. They used some acoustic guitar in a few of the songs on said previous album, and they ran with it on this one, to the point where it's pretty boring and any artificial touches are deeply hidden, only able to be heard when you turn it up really loud with earphones in. Lame, lame, lame. This also could be a reflection of my current musical taste, one that has a lot of thumpiness and rhythm to it; given a previous phase a few months or a year ago, I might have liked it a lot, but right now it's a waste.

Anyway. This past weekend's shoot with Schwarzenegger's press secretary went really well. He was charming and actually really candid with us about how he felt being a Latino Democrat in Sacramento and the general attitudes of the older white men who still fill the joint. He also worked for Gavin Newsom, San Francisco's current mayor, and we all got into a discussion about what's been going on with him (for those of you not aware, he admitted to having an affair with his campaign manager's (?) wife, who was also one of his appointment secretaries, and then a few days afterward he also admitted to being an alcoholic and is now in outpatient rehab), which was also very cool, as I never expected to be able to talk about something like that with someone such as himself. He interviewed really well, although he seemed a bit rehearsed, and he looked good on camera, so that's all I really cared about, given that I'd had about four hours of sleep the night before.

Thailand is, seriously, right around the corner and I'm getting more excited and nervous by the day. Yesterday was a more nervous day, as I tuned into Anderson Cooper per usual and found that he was on location in Bangkok for a story on human and animal trafficking. That was heartwarming.

I guess if I never come back, you all know what happened. I'll be the gay American slave on the Thai pirate freighter to the left.

Who here is good with GJ userinfo code bullshit? I have one or two questions to ask.

The other only news worthy of sharing beside the fact that I bought my first pink shirt the other day, is that Bjork is coming to San Francisco on May 19th for her upcoming tour and I am not above camping out for tickets. I read a review just yesterday and I couldn't be more happy that the Timbaland tracks really did make it on the album (at least so far) and that they apparently kick some ass.

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