
Jan 27, 2007 20:12

It's been a year and 10 days since I last wrote in this bitch and that's pretty surreal. Having read over the last entries in it, it's a trip to see how much my plan for life has changed and to hear what a snivveling little bitch I could be at the tender age of 22. Please note sarcasm with the age bit. So with the new year and considering I'm a sucker for a trend and there seems to have been a resurgence on my friends list, I've figured it might be time to start using this again.

With that, there's way too much material to cover from the past 53 weeks, so I'll just jump into current affairs.

My favorite companion, besides my iPod and heterosexual life mate Kjel, decided to kick the bucket and send me into yet another monetary flurry. That's right, my 1 1/2 year old (yes, just a mere 18 months, the cheap fucks) Gateway laptop decided that charging its battery was no longer a priority and in the process, killed off the BIOS battery and fucked some of my hard drive. Son of a fucking bitch. Ironically, this happened the same day as my last update and only a few hours after I got my new phone. One piece of technology in, another out, or something like that. So I spent the majority of the past 10 days sobbing to myself, trying to figure out how to get a new computer without having to just spend the whole financial aid check that I'd just received. More on that in a moment.

Classes started this past Wednesday and I think I'm in for a little more work than I actually intended on doing in my last semester. That's a good thing, though, as I know that if I had little to nothing to do, then I'd just fuck off on the classes and jeopardize my chances of actually graduating. So far so good in the class department, though. The Thailand group finally met and some of the other kids are a little pretentious but I guess that's to be expected in an environment like that. Amidst all of this new scholastic hooplah, I was in the school's bookstore quite often and realized that they sold computers, and just pricing one I stumbled upon the concept of getting a loan for one, which could be provided by the credit union on campus. Long story short, I opened an account with them and applied for the loan in the same day. I know, I know, more fucking money that I'll have to pay back but honestly, there's no way I could have functioned properly this semester without a computer of my own. Under the rationale that this incoming computer would be one that would have to last for a while, I opted to throw caution to the wind and just go for the most upscale thing I could possibly get.

So now I'm the very proud owner of a black MacBook. If the built-in camera and numerous other amenities don't get your engine going, let me point out that Steve Jobs has somehow managed to cram a 120GB hardrive into this thing. That's literally twice the capacity I had with the Gateway and a third of what I had with the Dell I had before that. I'm having the Gateway's hardrive salvaged and ended up paying $110 for an external hardrive (on top of the service fees) for those bastards at Best Buy to use so they could fit all of it onto something without using 9 DVD's. Why they decided to take literally EVERYTHING off of the Gateway (including two versions of PSP and Photoshop) I have no idea, I only requested pictures and music. However, this means that they've saved all of my porn, and that's obviously a plus.

Other than the above, not much else is going on. Today was my very last day at Jamba and I couldn't have fucked off any more if I tried. The fact that I felt no remorse or sadness when I walked out of the door for the last time spoke volumes. I start at The Bux (what I've decided to shorten Starbucks to) Monday morning, bright and early at 8AM. I'm kind of worried sick about it and it's hard getting to sleep at night because I just keep thinking about it and dwelling on the things that could go wrong. Oy.

I've also come to the more-than-likely-unrealistic expectation of procuring a piece of shit car at some point this year. I was envisioning a late 70's or early 80's Volkswagen or Volvo, and in combination with my bizarre new obsession with everything Hall & Oates, I resolved that I would buy more courdoroy pants and do my best to emulate Alex P. Keaton of Family Ties fame.
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