My legs are numb (?)

Nov 22, 2004 13:50

Well my paid account ran out and I'm kind of sad that I don't have all of those neat-o icons anymore but it's not like I ever use this thing so it's a big loss, I know.

So I guess it's that season for getting sick, because I woke up yesterday with the glands (aka lymph nodes for those of you that are medically inclined, such as my supervisor at 8AM this morning who diagnosed me with a respiratory infection via telephone, Doogie Howser eat your heart out) on my neck all swollen and pain when I swallow, and it soon spiraled downward to a nose that rivaled Niagara Falls in it's drippy quality, bloodshot eyes from sneezing 6 times in a row per sneeze, and a back that was so achy I could have sworn I was in my third trimester. I called into work and slept a little more and I've tried to talk to myself to hear my voice, and I like it, I actually sound like I have testosterone for once.

I'm also starving and there's no food in the house, save for one packet of easy-mac when I always have to make two, and some stale cheerios. I also need a cigarette like woah, but again, I think I would exhale blood or phlegm with this throat bullshit, so that's not going to happen. They look lonely, sitting in their little flip-top box, not being smoked like they should be.

I was given a small surprise the other day when the parental unit called to chit-chat about the renovations being done to the house in Orange County and he told me that he wanted to fly me down for a few days before or after Christmas. This is a surprise because we had decided that I lacked the monetary funds to actually go down there myself and my X-Mas was going to be one of solitary confinement because I'm a genius and decided to spend the money I'd normally spend on going down there on taking a class during winter break to "get ahead". San Francisco State University, I love you but I also will salt the ground you once stood on once I blow you up, which will be the day I graduate in like, 2034.

Speaking of San Francisco State Universty, my existance was justified last week when I saw Irene from Real World Seattle walking on campus and through my powers of deduction I realized she's a fellow student. I will avenge you, blatantly-homosexual yet in denial Stephen from the same season, by stepping on the backs of her shoes and maybe throwing a pen.

Wait, though, those blue bic pens that I like are .39 each in the student store. Fuck that, I'm poor.

I'm slightly obsessed with this picture of myself, I think maybe because I'm smoking and I'm having a nicotine fit as we speak.
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