(no subject)

Mar 31, 2005 20:37

Hmmm, lets see faithful reader's isnt this a retarted way to spend money. My company, which will remain unname just spend ungodly amounts off money on signs. They even bought one that lights up. Its retarted, they didnt even ask if the soldiers wanted it. Which by the way none of us do. It just seems that are leadership is interested in pleasing the higher ups, and screwing the soldiers which is complete bull shit. Today, my company commander came and asked me why me and my soldier's didn't have arew camel backs on. I explained to him why, and that we had bottles of water with us, and he went on to say that he wears his even though he doesn't put any water in it. Why wear the fuckin thing if you don't even use it for what its for. Well, Im lookin on the brighter side of things, Bridget Jones' Diary is on. I think Rene Zelweger is so unbelievably hot in this movie. Anyways, thats beside the point. I got to talk to the wif today, she seems like she is doing well. i told her that she would enjoy having me gone, j/k. She starting to work, which actually i think that she starts tomorrow. Which it will be nice to have to paychecks coming in. All tomorrow and the next day, and thursday - sat of next week me and my soldiers have ASV training which will suck. Its one of those thrown together last minute classes, that can be done in maybe 3 days tops. But they have us going out to the range which I never look forward to because army ranges sucks. I hate them because you can never have fun at them. i think that its against the rules or something. Hopfully in a little bit I will be getting wireless internet, which will be good. Me and the guys, we got to take midnight chow out to the gates tonight, not looking forward to it, but it will be ok, and now I also have a phone nujmber to give out to the misses, so that she can call me when she wants. But this shit sucks, i'm ready to get out of the army and kick it up in canada. Later
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