So today, I saw my Physical Therapy Doctor. He asked how I was doing on the Zanaflex (muscle relaxers). I said they work really well but drug me up (extremely tired and loopy). But theres nothing I can do about that, heh. So he gave me a proscription to last 5 months, to take 3 times a day still (though most of the time I dont bc I am babysitting and I dont wanna fall asleep on a 3 year old).
I told him I forgot to ask my MS doctor about the hair-loss, so I asked him instead. He told me MS usually DOES NOT cause hair loss that it is the medication. Which he asked how long its been going on for and what injection I'm on. I told him It started falling out when I first got diagnosed with MS and started the medication for it, which is copaxone. He said "that'll do it. Talk to your doctor, its the copaxone not the MS." So I was like actually at least thankful it WASNT the MS.
Stupid F'in medication! So now another day I need to call the other doctor and tell him what is going on and that if It keeps going like this, I will have NO HAIR at all.
Only problem is, I like the copaxone bc it gives me no problems (Besides that). And from other medications, Ive heard they have SO many crappy side effects that people usually DO end up getting. From people around that I know with MS and are on those other ones, they say it sucks and they'd rather be on copaxone even if it makes their hair fall out.
I dont know. I'll talk to the doctor and see what to do.