I figured since I have the time right now, I should post as many posts as I can muster up and record as many podcasts as I can crank out because you never know when all of the sudden the world will end!! Oh wait, that was supposed to happen already and it didn't.... hmmm.
Anyway, SNSD has been making headway in the Japanese market lately. They started with a couple Japanese translations but now they've got an original song that has people going nuts: "Mr. Taxi." Personally, my feelings about the song are this: I don't hate it. Is it my most favorite song ever? No. Is it my most favorite SNSD song ever? Hell no. But it is, as all of their songs are, very catchy, so regardless of how I really feel about it I'm sure to pretend to know the words when I hear it.
The only real thing I have against the song is the use of auto-tune. I know sometimes it's used to compensate for the weaker singers in a group, yada yada yada but, Taeyeon has an amazing voice, as does Tiffany, and several other members of SNSD. And even the weaker singers such as Hyoyeon aren't so bad that they need auto-tune. I guess the other argument is that it just adds something different or special to the song but I'm not convinced. I don't remember ever hearing auto-tune in SNSD's songs (though it could be escaping me at the moment) and I don't see why it was necessary for "Mr. Taxi." That being said, the catchy-ness still wins over and balances out the cringing I do during the auto-tuned parts.
The video is cute, which is pretty much the norm for SNSD at this point, save a couple videos. Their yellow outfits are that of a sexy female cab driver... or that of a stripper in a cab driver outfit. Both nice thoughts. I found that a couple of the girls really shine in this MV. Tiffany, first, looks great and gets lots of screen time. She rocks a long, mid pony-tail as well as a... some kind of hair style that I don't know how to describe... but she looks good.
Also, the fabulous Yuri is looking just that with her tiny waistline and seductive-hair-blowing-in-the-wind camera shot. Nice.
And what kind of SNSD fanboy would I be if I didn't mention my biases: Sooyoung and Hyoyeon. Sooyoung has her long hair again which makes me more giddy than I'd like to admit. And while I'm not crazy about Hyoyeon's hair, because she is my bias, I am always happy to see her. She does get a funky little dance lead though, a strength I wish they'd take advantage of more often, not just during dance battles on variety and special shows.
Now that's all dandy and well but let's get to the real interesting part of this video. When did SNSD join the X-Men? Look at the pictures. Tell me the black outfits they are wearing don't closely resemble the X-Men uniforms from the movies. I dare you.
The only thing missing is an "X" somewhere on SNSD's outfits. And if you look closely, they even have different colors on the stitching like the X-Men do.
Here's a question for you readers: If a member of SNSD was a mutant, what powers would she have? And if you wanna get crazy, why those powers?