(no subject)

Sep 15, 2003 13:11

I posted the following as a comment in shih's journal, but felt it could benefit the larger LiveJournal community. So, without any further ado...

The (New And Improved!) Idiot's Guide to Getting Comments Like Whoa!
Follow these three simple steps, and soon you too will join the ranks of the LiveJournal Comment Kings and Queens:

[1] Whore it up! The first step in becoming an LJ Comment Whore is assimilating the attributes of whoredom into your LiveJournal life! This includes, but is not limited to: whining, bitching, moaning, and anything else that will garner any sort of attention (positive or negative). The most successful method of this, I must say, is picture posts. Be it a photograph or drawing, people are more comfortable commenting on such entries (especially if they don't know you well enough to offer advice in a "real" post scenario). Your self esteem is boosted twofold in this case: first in the multitude of comments you will receive, and second because everyone will be telling you how hot (or talented, in the context of an art post) you are!

[2] Make more friends! Logically, more friends = more potential comments! There are two very simple ways to go about this. First, join communities! This is a great way to meet like-minded people who share your interests. Also, a plethora of potential friends are already at your fingertips. Think about it... if you get on well with your current friends, don't you think it likely that you will feel the same way about their friends? Troll the friend lists of people you like for future mutual friends. Once you have so many LJ friends it is ridiculous, make your journal Friends Only so that everyone else will think you are extra cool and want to be your friend even more!

[3] Karma, baby! What you do comes back to you, so to speak. If you hand out comments like hot cakes, you'll get the same multitudinous response reciprocated when it comes to your comments. Likewise, if you ignore everyone on your friend list, they will likely ignore you, too! Unless of course you post naked pictures of yourself in your journal, in which case it doesn't matter if you are a total elitist bitch. Everyone will love you anyway!

Now that you are in the "know," in no time at all you will be receiving comments by the thousands -- nay, millions! Sit back and enjoy your new life of abundance. Feel free to circulate this, just be sure to give credit to Miss disphoria!
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