Feb 12, 2006 13:16
So the other night was a night of many many firsts for me, where do i starter... err how bout the begining eh?
It was the first time EVER i had to move out a X girlfriend from my place.
It was my first time seeing her new apartment,
It was my first time in a LONG time she was randomly openly affectionate with me by running up and hugging me,
It was my first time feeling THAT depressed and biteing everything back,
It was my first time moveing anyone into a walk up apartment, 3 flights oh yea. ,
First time not noticeing the two steps in the garage,
First time ever seeing my foot dangle around like a dead fish,
First time EVER going to the ER for myself First time ever being told i broke a bone,
First time that i was told i needed to go into surgery to get metal plates put in to stabilize my ankle.
So i was moveing her into her new place, which is nice btw, was heading back outinto the garage and forgot bout the steps that are color matched to the garage floor and oops fell on my left ankle it rolled i put my other ankle in and it got screwed up a little, i fell over on my side and instantly curled over and grabbed my ankle, it was dark and i couldnt see it 100%. It wasnt aligned correcty so i pushed it into place, my whole ankle felt like a stretch armstrong doll, popping crackling things jumping in and out of place, All in all it didnt hurt that bad. i sat on the floor in tears for a few toughed it up like you do, and stood up grabbed my shoes and walked over to the truck and sat on the tailgate, put on my right shoe no prob, tried to put my left one on and wtf???? my foot was just rolling around everytime i put pressure on it. So i told salena that i did need to go to the ER at palomar and off we went, we got there, no parking as per usual. she went intside after parking illegally to get me some crutchs and some nurse came out with her with a wheelchair, GREAT i said to myself. she wheeled me in while salena went to find parking. so i filled out some triage paperwork, one of the questions asked something about liveing with someone who beats me up, i couldnt help but laugh. sat around a bit and salena got back i felt safe and secure at the point when she sat in my lap and held me. (man am i going to miss that) sat round a bit, there was some little boy running around causeing a ruccus , this little boy had a huge red n green wrap holding some gauze on his head. and i didnt even notice his shirt being covered in blood till salena pointed it out, this kid was bounceing off the walls though. got drug back in to get my blood pressure checked out and all that and the nurse asked how it happened and i told her and then this other nurse, the one who rolled me in, was like nah he was crowd surfing or snowboarding, and salena was like nah ijust beat him up, and the asian nurse kinda laughed about my 120lb girlfriend beating up the 280lb mean looking guy. anyways so at this point my ankle was now a cankle, and looked like i had one of those kiddy arm float things under my skin around the area.. went back out into the waiting room, sat around another hour or so. and got called back into a room and waited for the docotr and some Xrays, first guy gave me the lead blanket thing and said that its to prtect my boys. couple minutes later another guy came in with the Xray machine and had to redo 2 of them because the other guy dbl exposured them, this guy didnt care about my boys and just took the Xrays. somewhere in there a nurse came in and gave me 600mg of motrin, i was like im not cramping! All the time we were back there we talked and joked about random things, one of which was how i only was being dramatic to stop her from moveing out! hehe just kidding readers sheesh lighten up.talked bout her surgery and how i helped her out for a month or so with it. we got some good talking in though and i feel that even though we're seperated we're now a bit closer if that makes any sense. I love that girl so much. so i was tired n loopy and we both were hungry and ready to go home. bit later doctor came in mentioned steel plates, broken bones and kaiser zion, and i was like why do i need to go to utah? =p, got home friend silas came over to help her move some more shit, and hugged n kissed her and thanks him, and off they went, few minutes later i was sitting on the entertainment center in my bedroom and broke down badly. worse in my life i think, just so much going on lately..............
Anyways a bunch of my friends came over yesterday and re-aranged my apartment for me, i felt so gimp and useless, i hate this feeling. but i have friends who love me and will help with whatever i need. and i would and have done the same for them.