still alive somehow

Apr 24, 2005 10:53

1. Take the lyrics to a favorite song.
2. Go to Google Language Tools, tranlate the lyrics into German, then from German to French, and finally from French back into English.
3. Post the results verbatim.
4. Invite friends to guess the song based on the interesting new lyrics.

If you see me, the road to go downwards, staring with the sky and trailing, my two feet precisely still form to me cry me, to him, you pass can still form completely but me. And if you see with another laughing man and if Scherzendoin I can, I do not place to the bottom what you, with the cause whom I wish you around, ' Lattich me to completely train you still to be able. looking at, we met back top initially, I cannot go ahead and me donot can forget, of baby which you are you me still hang, can me still train you completely. Time is that layin which is heavy on my heart, seems me has too much him, since we were separated, my friends forms me to smile, so only for one moment, it me to completely form still to be able. must await me now, but, ' of Lattich that late I cannot precisely continue, were too a long time already not a baby, if you modify your entendement, its, you can still form completely but me. ooh that your baby that, you still hang me, but you can still form completely me.


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