Let me steal this moment from you now

Oct 14, 2010 10:43

The last couple of days I've been busy putting together ebooks containing all my favourite fanfiction stories, one for all the smutty stories and one for sad and/or thoughtful ones.
I know most authors don't like their stories being archived without their permission but it's just for my own personal usage. It sucks when you're looking for a story only to find out the author deleted their journal. Happens way too often. And I simply like using LaTex for typesetting.

Anyway, the reason I'm posting this is that I made the mistake of updating my MiKTeX installation and now nothing works. TeXnicCenter keeps saying that it can't find 'input index file' and when it tries to create one it just stops and exits with the very helpful message '0 errors, 0 warnings, 0 overfull boxes, 0 pages'. TeXworks keeps asking to install 'ifvtex' and 'ifxetex' at every run and then freezes at the beginning of the first story with '! Argument of \end has an extra }' but I can't find any syntax errors in my source files.
After searching ctan.org I found out that 'ifxetex' stands for 'Am I running under XeTeX?' and requires the e-TeX extension. And apparently there seems to be a conflict between 'ifvtex' and the KOMA-Script. I've never had these problems before.

Now I'm trying to install e-Tex and hopefully it will work again. If it doesn't, I'll have no choice but to use the standard 'book' class again, which sucks because I like KOMA-Script.

Update Oct 15, 2:50am
Turns out the problem wasn't e-Tex after all but the hyperref package. I still don't know why it produced no output or error message but it worked again after I removed the package.
And even weirder is that after spending more hours than I care to admit testing, searching and updating, I moved the command to load hyperref into my main document right before \begin{document} and tada it works again. Go figure!


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