
Dec 29, 2004 00:12

survey cuz im lame

Name:: Jack
Age:: 16
Zodiac:: libra
Location:: gilmanton nh
Gender:: male
Birthday:: 10/17/88
Height:: 5' 8ish
Eyes:: green
Hair:: uhmm i cut it all off, but whats left of it is brown
Lips:: normal lips
Build:: im wicked huge

How are you feeling today?:: not so great
Are you usually happy or sad?:: sad
How many people would you like to kill?:: too many
How's life at home?:: lame
If you have siblings, do you get along with them?:: sometimes
Have you lost any family members?:: my grandmother
Do you get along with your parents?:: sometimes
Most people see you as:: i dunno
Have you ever cussed someone out?:: maybe
Have you ever mugged someone?:: nope
What is your greatest fear?:: i dunno
What makes you happy?:: skating and napoleon dynamite
If you could sit down to a cup of coffee with anyone who would it be?:: i dont know
Do you like to smile?:: yeah but i rarley ever smile
...Do you know smiling is good for you?:: nope
Do you get frustrated easily?:: depends
How tolerant are you of others?:: depends
What is your goal in life?:: uhh to live in a box
What is your greatest accomplishment thus far?:: i have no clue
Do you act your age?:: not really
What is your favorite quote?:: uhmm
What is the nicest compliment you've recieved?:: i dont know
What is the most interesting comment you've recieved?:: hmm

What about crushes or significant others?
How's your sex life going?: uhmm maybe if i had one
Are you currently attached?: ehh
Do you wish you were or weren't in a relationship or are you content now?: idont know
How was your first kiss?: sucked
Was it a good first kiss?: no
Where's the craziest place you've done anything sexual with another person?:i dont know
Have you ever commited a crime?: yeah
What was it?: different stuff
Ever done drugs and if so, what?: pot
Drink Alcohol?: of course
Are you addicted to anything?: mehh
What's the stupidest law you've heard of?: just about every one
Have you ever been arrested?: nope but ive been searched
Did you ever attempt to lie to the police?: yeah
Have you been in jail?: nope

This or that.

Hugs or Kisses:: depends
Candles or Lights:: candles
Stars or Sun:: stars
Brush or Comb:: i dont need either
Pixy Stix or Fun Dip:: i dunno
Dr. Pepper or Mr. Pibb:: dr pepper
Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter:: lotr
Barbies or Action Figures:: neither
The Matrix or Minority Report:: matrix
England or United States:: neither
Starbucks or Java City:: neither
CDs or Records:: mp3's
Be at the game or Watch the game at home:: sports suck
Cheetos or Doritos:: neither
Playstation or Nintendo:: play station
TV or Movies:: movies
Individual or Team sports:: individual
Day or Night:: whatever
Mysterious or Outgoing:: who cares
Blondes or Brown:: depends
Blue or Green eyes:: brown
Virgins or Experienced:: mehh
Security or Happiness:: ehh
Pool or Spa:: whatever
Books or Internet:: internet
School or Work:: the job i dont have
Public Transportation or Private:: private
Color or Black and White Photos:: color
Tape or Tacks:: tacks are fun to put in peoples chairs
Bike or Skate:: skateboard
Out on the town or home in PJs with a movie and food with boy/girlfriend::uhmm
Long but unhappy life or short and fulfilled life:: neither one is gunna happen to me
Kissing in the rain or kissing infront of the fireplace:: rain
Be the life of the party or Skip out on the party:: crash the party
Is it okay for the girl to ask the guy out or not?:: i dont know
Skater shoes or Fashionable Shoes:: skater shoes are fashionable stupid
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