A notice + Results for Challenge 12

Feb 09, 2011 20:12

Sorry these are so late, I've been kinda sick lately.

I WILL BE EXTENDING THE DEADLINE FOR FANTASIA 2020 UNTIL NEXT MONDAY, THE 14TH. I realize it's a very demanding and lenghty challenge and I want you guys to have an extra weekend. The hour remains the same.

That being said, here are results for the Voice Actors challenge! Great job everyone.

#1. Miley CIrus (Penny in Bolt)
#2. Owen Wilson (Lightning McQueen in Cars)
#3. Peter O'Toole (Anton Ego in Ratatouille)
#4. Ilene Woods (Cinderella in Cinderella)
#5. Lea Salonga (Mulan in Mulan)
#6. Samuel L Jackson (Frozone in The Incredibles)
#7. Mary Costa (Aurora in Sleeping Beauty)
#8. Anika Noni Rose (Tiana in The Princess and the Frog)
#9. Tom Hanks (Sheriff Woody in Toy Story)
#10. Kathryn Beaumont (Alice in Alice in Wonderland and Wendy in Peter Pan)
#11. Ellen DeGeneres (Dory in Finding Nemo)
#12. Amy Adams (Giselle in Enchanted)

TEAM CLASSICS: 274 points
TEAM PIXAR: 85 points

Team Classics
__greenribbon (23 points)
aellylis (21 points)
chacusha (25 points)
dani0110 (23 points)
fateilya (25 points)
haces222 (17 points)
haily44 (19 points)
kaleidoruby (25 points)
kth524 (25 points)
liaarr (7 points)
marie_j_granger (19 points)
propernice (13 points)
sesperia (6 points)
sgafirenity (15 points)
the_windowbird (8 points)

Team Pixar
amaranthine3 (19 points)
apologizeg (11 points)
moonquail (11 points)
princessatta (19 points)
stupid_laura (25 points)

Team Renaissance
20thcenturygrl (15 points)
agathons_fan (11 points)
axelsonfire (17 points)
burntheflaws (23 points)
fulminant8 (23 points)
hopeitallaway (19 points)
italyatmidnight (25 points)
rainbowishes (13 points)
regularamanda (13 points)
solyane_fr (10 points)

I'll be updating the sidebar right away.

results, phase three

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