challenge 18: cinderella

Aug 02, 2010 17:16

so i thought we might as well open challenge 18: cinderella even though challenge 17: bugs is still open. i still can't close challenge 17: bugs even though the deadline was weeks ago because there are only 2 participants. please try and participate HERE :)

* you may enter up to 6 icons
* use the images provided OR any you can find online
* you may use ANY caps/images/pictures from ANY cinderella disney movie, image, poster, merchandise
* please make sure the icons you submit are freshly made for this challenge and are not shown anywhere until voting is over (i do check)
* you may use any effects except animation, sorry!
* you can enter any time until monday 9TH at 6PM in your timezone.
* you have 7 days to enter your icons. there will be 2 reminders, a midweek reminder and a last minute reminder. please remember to submit your icons in time otherwise it is not fair on everyone else.
* comment with your icon here. all comments are screened
* please remember if any guidelines are flouted, your icon will not be accepted. you can see a quick guide over at my other community HERE. PLEASE READ THIS. some people have not been submitting properly lately. that guide is there for a reason. :)
* please tell people about this challenge and promote but do not get others to vote for you or steal icons from other people under any circumstances
* if you have any questions, please ask.

special categories/themes
there are two special categories:
1) angry
2) full body

you can find a guide on special categories here :)

try magical screencaps or illuminate caps!


challenge 18: cinderella

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